Explore 226 Bachelors Programs in Digital Marketing | Educatly
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Digital Marketing
226 Programs
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- BachelorsElectronic Commerce-Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime TransportAlexandria, EgyptFull time and Part time--Less than two years
- BachelorsAdvertising Major-Suffolk UniversityBoston, United StatesFull time and Part time--Less than two years
- BachelorsDigital Marketing Bachelor's Degree-Lewis UniversityRomeoville, United StatesFull time and Part time--Less than two years
- BachelorsOnline Marketing Degree-Saint Leo UniversitySaint Leo, United StatesFull time and Part time--4 years
- BachelorsOnline BBA in Digital Marketing & Analytics-Walsh UniversityNorth Canton, United StatesFull time and Part timeFully Online-Less than two years
- BachelorsMarketing Communications with Digital Media BA (Hons)22,659 USD / YearBournemouth UniversityBournemouth, United KingdomFull timeOn campus-4 years
- BachelorsBA (Hons) Digital Marketing18,774 USD / YearRichmond University in LondonLondon, United KingdomFull timeOn campus-4 years
- BachelorsBA (Hons) Advertising17,193 USD / YearUniversity of East LondonLondon, United KingdomFull timeOn campus-More than 4 years
- BachelorsBusiness Management, Digital Innovation and Entrepreneurship BSc (Hons)31,145 USD / YearCity University of LondonLondon, United KingdomFull time--4 years
- BachelorsBSc Digital Media & Marketing (dual)-University of Europe for Applied SciencesBerlin, GermanyFull time--3½ years