النشاط الاخير
26 متابع
if you want to make a part of a community that give tou the chance to share your ideas and your feelings this could be the right choice and the best choice in order to make it possible
for all doubts about your future and your steps to reach your goals !
this group was created in order to build a strong community that shares its experiences and all of its ideas about studying abroad
if you have any doubts about spain as a study destination here you can share this problem in order to solve it
for anyone that see him/herself unable to acheive what he really want i want to tell you that trying several times without giving up is the right thing because there is no success without failing!
our life is based on communication which can make our personality stronger and our relations better also being true with yourself show that you are loving yourself and for that you should know your points of interest before taking new steps
as we have a clear mindset,a clear path that can make our daily goals easier to acheive you should be the person that you want to be not the one that the others does want so be TRUE WITH YOURSELF BEFORE ANYTHING!
Studying abroad can be the key for your success! you can find your freedom by having a chance to improve yourself as a student and also as a person Being in another level of life can make your personallity stronger and your goals bigger so dream big,do what do you want and work hard for it and the most important thing NEVER GIVE UP ON YOUR DREAMS!!
مستوى التعليم الحالي
universidad politecnica de valencia
درجة البكالوريوس - هندسة المناظر الطبيعية
2022 - -
اختبار القبول
اللغة الإنجليزية
اللغة العربية
اللغة الفرنسية
لا توجد شهادات
مقالات المدونة
مقالات المدونة