النشاط الاخير
11 متابع
interested in data science and machine learning? start the first step of learniny by joining one of our top universities to get your degree.
How can you save money for studying abroad? 1. keep track of how much money you save each day. 2.cut back high trasnportations costs 3.search for cheap flights 4.Change your mentality around your purchases, don’t impulse buy! 5. Open an online saving account.
Reasons you should have an online masters degree: 1. flexability! you earn the degree at your own time, arrangments and place. 2. Savinh Money! you do not need to spend money on transportations to get to your lectures 3. responsibility! It surly puts more responsibility on you to finish your study and tasks which increase your discipline and more…
The benefits of studying abroad are almost endless. Take your Flight to studying abroad, we will assist you in every step of the way to reach your goal
was my online degree useful ? yes! I ended up working as a software engineer, earning money, working as a teacher assistant! I would surly suggest you to start your first step of your degree to earn more and more!
Recruiting Student Volunteers!! #WSDM2022, a prestigious international conference in data mining and web search, offers a fantastic opportunity for students to interact with the conference organizers and participants, access conference materials and talks, make an impact on the community, and have fun! Sign up here soon: https://www.wsdm-conference.org/2022/student-volunteer/ #oppurtnity # volunteer #datamining #web #studenta #undergrad
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جامعة ولاية أريزونا
الماجستير - الدراما والموسيقى
2021 - 2022
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