نظرة عامة على البرنامج
This MSc offers comprehensive training in meteorological processes, atmospheric data management, and weather and climate prediction. By preparing students for Chartered Meteorologist status, the program ensures they meet the industry's professional standards.
مخطط البرنامج
Degree Overview:
The Applied Meteorology and Climatology MSc has been accredited by the Royal Meteorological Society to provide comprehensive training for Chartered Meteorologists (CMet). The University of Birmingham is proud to be a member of the Met Office Academic Partnership. Find out more. Weather and climate are integral parts of the Earth system. The monitoring of meteorological variables, together with the knowledge and modelling of underlying processes, are key to understanding our interaction with the natural environment. This programme provides comprehensive training in understanding, modelling and prediction of atmospheric processes; as well as the collection, management, supply and application of atmospheric data for the needs of a variety of public and private sectors. The course also demonstrates how these create opportunities or pose problems for the successful operation of natural and human systems. Our aim is that upon graduation you will be able to compete for careers in Meteorology and Climatology. This well-established programme was developed in response to industry and research institution requirements for applied meteorologists and climatologists. This demand continues, partially due to the growing attention of the society to climate change, its mitigation and adaptation to it.
The course is modular in nature, comprising 180 credits, 120 from MSc-dedicated taught modules and 60 from a dissertation. In line with University Regulations it is intended that 60 credits be the equivalent of a Certificate, 120 credits a Diploma and 180 credits the MSc. All taught courses are compulsory for non-maths and physics graduates. Compulsory Modules Theoretical Meteorology: Atmospheric Composition and Physics This module provides students with theoretical training in the fundamental laws of thermodynamics, microphysics and radiation and their implications for a range of meteorological processes and air pollution phenomena, coupled with an introduction to the controls on atmospheric composition. Specifics include: (1) to review the basic nature of the atmosphere in terms of its physical properties; (2) to introduce mass balance modelling of atmospheric composition and its time evolution; (3) to introduce a range of physical laws relevant to meteorology such as the first and second laws of thermodynamics and the equation of state; (4) to review cloud microphysics and cloud formation processes; and (5) to introduce basic radiation laws and radiative transfer processes in the atmosphere. This module is assessed by three practical exercises (40%) and a two-hour exam (60%). For each of the three practical exercises, a one-hour tutorial class is provided to help students to further understand concepts and processes and to develop analytical and problem-solving skills. Dynamics and Modelling of Weather and Climate At the end of this course, students should be able to: (1) understand the fundamentals of atmospheric dynamics; (2) have knowledge of conservation laws of mass, momentum, and energy; (3) analyse force balance using dynamics equations; (4) quantify geostrophic wind, gradient wind, potential vorticity, thermal wind, surface fluxes, gravity waves, etc. ; (5) interpret physical meaning of important parameters such as Rossby number, Richardson number, etc. ; (6) identify dominating processes at micro-, meso-, and synoptic-scales. This module is assessed by a two-hour exam (100%) Numerical Weather Forecasting and Climate Modelling It covers traditional forecasting from weather maps as well as numerical weather forecasting. Global climate simulations for the past, present and future with General Circulation Models and with Earth System Models of Intermediate Complexity, as well as regional simulations are discussed. An in depth appreciation of the nature and physical foundations of numerical weather prediction products and climate simulations is developed, which provides the requisite skills for assessing the quality and relevance of weather forecasts and climate predictions. The weather forecasting part of this module is assessed by practical exercises (50%) and the climate modelling part by exam (35%) and coursework (15%). Atmospheric Data Processing and Statistics The course aims to provide students with analytical skills necessary for the collection, processing and analysis of meteorological and climatological data sets. In addition, the module provides an understanding of programming in a UNIX environment as a basis for developing computer programming skills for the extraction, collation and organisation of data. The statistical software packages R and SPSS will be taught in this module. The fundamentals of statistical hypothesis testing are introduced and developed further in the context of advanced statistical techniques for the fitting of statistical models, identifying the main modes of variation in large data sets and time series analysis. Statistics A multiple-choice examination paper lasting 1 hour and 30 minutes. The examination will contain 50 questions and will test the entire Statistics syllabus (32.5% of the final module mark). A project entitled Daily summer rainfall variations over Devon and Cornwall. This project requires a student to conduct principal component analysis and cluster analysis on a data set (32.5% of the final module mark). Atmospheric Data Processing A one hour examination (17% of the final module mark). Three worksheets that collectively account for 18% of a student’s final module mark, that is, each worksheet is worth 6%. Physical Climatology and Climate Change The understanding of the variability of the climate system and its inherent changes in time will be a major component to address any questions of natural or anthropogenic climate change. This module will help students to become familiar with the underlying physical concepts as well as with its applications to attribute and detect anthropogenic climate change. The module will cover the basic physical laws, their application in the climate system, basics of the observed atmosphere and ocean general circulation, its 3-dimensional features, and will focus on main modes of large scale variability (e.g. The variability on different time scales will be addressed as well as anthropogenic climate change including an impact assessment and an introduction into actual political and social processes related to it. The module will be assessed by a written exam (50%) and a combined student presentation and essay (50%). Meteorological Applications and Services This module aims to develop an understanding of (i) the organisation of national and private meteorological services around the world; (ii) the range of meteorological products and services that are available to the public and to commercial customers; (iii) of meteorology-derived financial products in insurance and risk assessment, and (iv) of how to market meteorological products including the production of marketing material. The module is assessed by a written exam (60%) and the production of a business plan for a meteorological company (40%). Research Proposal for Dissertation This module aims to introduce students to the skills and methods required to undertake a research project and to produce a research proposal. Through the training components in the module, the student should be able to identify and select a research topic and write a research proposal that identifies hypotheses, data requirements, analysis techniques and applications for the research. Major contents include: (1) introduction to research in applied meteorology and climatology – discussion of previous dissertations; (2) how to write a research proposal; (3) data requirements and analysis techniques; (4) case studies from academic staff; and (5) PowerPoint presentations of proposals. The module will be assessed by a research proposal (75%) and a PowerPoint presentation (25%). Dissertation This module aims to develop a student’s ability: (i) to carry out an independent piece of research; (ii) to gain experience of using field, laboratory or documentary sources; (iii) to interpret the results of previously published research; (iv) to make original observations or obtain secondary data; (v) to present results clearly and concisely in the form of text, maps, diagrams and other illustrations, and (vi) to appreciate the limitation and success of their efforts. Students are encouraged to choose the topic for which they have conducted literature review and submitted a proposal in M6a. The module will be assessed 100% based on a 10,000-word dissertation. Optional MSc Modules Foundation Mathematics This course is a foundation Mathematics course for students who have not specialised in Mathematics as an undergraduate. This module aims to provide students with knowledge and understanding of fundamental areas of Mathematics such as algebra, calculus and trigonometry. After completing this module, students will have a better understanding of the Mathematics that is taught during other MSc modules such as Theoretical Meteorology. The module is assessed entirely by an examination lasting one hour and 30 minutes. Weather, Climate and Society The module is designed to make students familiar with basic aspects of mid-latitude weather (observations, analysis, forecasts), and the way operational information will be used for benefit for society. This will include interfaces between scientific knowledge and end users in economy and society on climate scales. Specific applications will be highlighted: the potential of wind and solar power; the cost/benefit of the use of weather information by industry; understanding of climate variability; the two way relationship between climate and society and the methods of climate impact assessment. The module will be assessed by exam (100%). Small-scale and Air Pollution Meteorology This module will provide students with an understanding of: (i) the principles of meteorology at small scales (metres to kilometres), (ii) the meteorological processes near the earth's surface (e.g., over a range of different surfaces/environments) associated with the exchange of heat, mass and momentum, and (iii) transport and dispersion of pollutants in the atmospheric boundary layer. By the end of the module the student should be able to: (i) demonstrate a knowledge of meteorological processes near the earth's surface and the exchange of heat, mass and momentum between the earth’s surface and the atmosphere; (ii) transfer this knowledge to applied micromete