Major in International Studies, Asian Studies Concentration
فورت كولينز , الولايات المتحدة
تاريخ البدء
وسيلة الدراسة
48 months
حقائق البرنامج
تفاصيل البرنامج
تخصص رئيسي
International Relations | Political Sciences and Civics | Human Geography
دراسات ثقافية
لغة الدورة
عن البرنامج
نظرة عامة على البرنامج
The International Studies major with an Asian Studies concentration requires a minimum of 120 credits, with at least 42 credits being upper-division (300- to 400-level). Students must select a minimum of 24 credits, 18 of which must be upper-division (300- to 400-level), from at least three subject codes, from the following groups of courses: 1. History and Politics of Asia, 2. Thought and Cultures of Asia, and 3. International Studies.
مخطط البرنامج
The International Studies major with an Asian Studies concentration requires a minimum of 120 credits, with at least 42 credits being upper-division (300- to 400-level).
Course Requirements:
- Freshman Year:
- Semester 1:
- CO 150 College Composition (GT-CO2) - 3 credits
- Select one from:
- ANTH 100 Introductory Cultural Anthropology (GT-SS3) - 3 credits
- ANTH 200 Cultures and the Global System (GT-SS3) - 1 credit
- GR 100 Introduction to Geography (GT-SS2) - 3 credits
- Select one from:
- LCHI 100 First-Year Chinese I
- LJPN 100 First-Year Japanese I
- LKOR 100 First-Year Korean I
- Electives - 3 credits
- Semester 2:
- INST 200 Interdisciplinary Approaches to Globalization - 3 credits
- Select one from:
- HIST 120 Asian Civilizations I (GT-HI1) - 3 credits
- HIST 121 Asian Civilizations II (GT-HI1) - 3 credits
- HIST 170 World History, Ancient-1500 (GT-HI1) - 3 credits
- HIST 171 World History, 1500-Present (GT-HI1) - 3 credits
- Select one from:
- LCHI 101 First-Year Chinese II
- LJPN 101 First-Year Japanese II
- LKOR 101 First-Year Korean II
- Select one from:
- POLS 232 International Relations (GT-SS1) - 1 credit
- POLS 241 Comparative Government and Politics (GT-SS1) - 1 credit
- Quantitative Reasoning - 3 credits
- Sophomore Year:
- Semester 3:
- Select one from:
- AREC 202 Agricultural and Resource Economics (GT-SS1) - 3 credits
- ECON 202 Principles of Microeconomics (GT-SS1) - 3 credits
- ECON 204 Principles of Macroeconomics (GT-SS1) - 3 credits
- ECON 211 Gender in the Economy (GT-SS1) - 1 credit
- ECON 240/AREC 240 Issues in Environmental Economics (GT-SS1) - 3 credits
- Select one from:
- LCHI 200 Second-Year Chinese I (GT-AH4) - 3 credits
- LJPN 200 Second-Year Japanese I (GT-AH4) - 3 credits
- LKOR 200 Second-Year Korean I (GT-AH4) - 3 credits
- Arts and Humanities - 3 credits
- Biological and Physical Sciences - 3 credits
- Semester 4:
- Select one from:
- LCHI 201 Second-Year Chinese II (GT-AH4) - 3 credits
- LJPN 201 Second-Year Japanese II (GT-AH4) - 3 credits
- LKOR 201 Second-Year Korean II (GT-AH4) - 3 credits
- Advanced Writing - 2 credits
- Biological and Physical Sciences - 3 credits
- Electives - 3 credits
- Junior Year:
- Semester 5:
- INST 301 International Studies Research Methods - 4 credits
- Select one from:
- LARA 100 First-Year Arabic I
- LCHI 304 Third-Year Chinese I
- LFRE 100 First-Year French I
- LGER 100 First-Year German I
- LITA 100 First-Year Italian I
- LJPN 304 Third-Year Japanese I
- LRUS 100 First-Year Russian I
- LSPA 100 First-Year Spanish I
- International Studies Major Course Selection (See list on Concentration Requirements Tab) - 6 credits
- Electives - 1-3 credits
- Semester 6:
- Select one from:
- LARA 101 First-Year Arabic II
- LCHI 305 Third-Year Chinese II
- LFRE 101 First-Year French II
- LGER 101 First-Year German II
- LITA 101 First-Year Italian II
- LJPN 305 Third-Year Japanese II
- LRUS 101 First-Year Russian II
- LSPA 101 First-Year Spanish II
- International Studies Major Course Selection (See list on Concentration Requirements Tab) - 6 credits
- Electives - 4-6 credits
- Senior Year:
- Semester 7:
- INST 492 Seminar - 4 credits
- International Studies Major Course Selection (See list on Concentration Requirements Tab) - 6 credits
- Select from:
- LARA 200 Second-Year Arabic I (GT-AH4) - 3 credits
- LFRE 200 Second-Year French I (GT-AH4) - 3 credits
- LGER 200 Second-Year German I (GT-AH4) - 3 credits
- LITA 200 Second-Year Italian I (GT-AH4) - 3 credits
- LRUS 200 Second-Year Russian I (GT-AH4) - 3 credits
- LSPA 200 Second-Year Spanish I (GT-AH4) - 3 credits
- Electives - 2-3 credits
- Semester 8:
- International Studies Major Course Selection (See list on Concentration Requirements Tab) - 6 credits
- Select from:
- LARA 201 Second-Year Arabic II (GT-AH4) - 3 credits
- LFRE 201 Second-Year French II (GT-AH4) - 3 credits
- LGER 201 Second-Year German II (GT-AH4) - 3 credits
- LITA 201 Second-Year Italian II (GT-AH4) - 3 credits
- LRUS 201 Second-Year Russian II (GT-AH4) - 3 credits
- LSPA 201 Second-Year Spanish II (GT-AH4) - 3 credits
- Electives - 5-6 credits
International Studies Major Course Selection:
- Students must select a minimum of 24 credits, 18 of which must be upper-division (300- to 400-level), from at least three subject codes, from the following groups of courses:
- 1.
- History and Politics of Asia:
- Select a minimum of 6 credits from the following:
- ETST 252/HIST 252 Asian American History (GT-HI1) - 3 credits
- ETST 324 Asian-Pacific Americans and the Law
- HIST 116 The Islamic World Since 1500 - 3 credits
- HIST 120 Asian Civilizations I (GT-HI1) - 3 credits
- HIST 121 Asian Civilizations II (GT-HI1) - 3 credits
- HIST 440 Modern South Asia: Colonialism and Nationalism
- HIST 441 South Asia Since Independence
- HIST 450 Ancient China
- HIST 451 Medieval China and Central Asia
- HIST 452 China in the Modern World, 1600-Present
- HIST 455 Tokugawa and Modern Japan, 1600-Present
- HIST 456 East Asia in the Age of Empire, 1800-Present
- HIST 464 Pacific Wars: Philippines-WWII
- HIST 465 Pacific Wars: Korea and Vietnam
- HIST 466 U.S.-China Relations Since 1800
- HIST 533 Reading Seminar: East Asia
- HIST 534 Reading Seminar: South Asia
- POLS 445 Comparative Asian Politics
- 2.
- Thought and Cultures of Asia:
- Select a minimum of 6 credits from the following:
- ANTH 312 Modern Indian Culture and Society
- ANTH 314 Southeast Asian Cultures and Societies
- ART 316 Art of the Pacific
- E 356 Asian Literature
- ETST 320 Ethnicity and Film--Asian-American Experience
- LCHI 250 Introduction to Chinese Culture (GT-AH2) - 3 credits
- LJPN 250 Introduction to Japanese Culture (GT-AH2)
- LCHI 309 Contemporary Chinese Literature and the Arts
- LCHI 365 Introduction to Chinese Cinema Studies - 4 credits
- LGEN 465B Studies in Foreign Film: Asia
- LJPN 365 Introduction to Japanese Cinema Studies
- LCHI 496 Group Study-Chinese
- LGEN 192 Modern Languages/Cultures: Italian and Japanese
- LJPN 404 Historical Aspects of the Language and Society
- LJPN 496 Group Study-Japanese
- PHIL 172 Religions of the East (GT-AH3) - 3 credits
- PHIL 349 Philosophies of East Asia
- PHIL 360 Topics in Asian Philosophy
- PHIL 371 Contemporary Eastern Religious Thought
- PHIL 379 Mysticism East and West
- SPCM 370C/HIST 370C Study Abroad--South Korea: Cinema, Culture, and History
- 3. International Studies:
- Select a minimum of 3 credits from the following:
- AGRI 270/IE 270 World Interdependence-Population and Food (GT-SS3) - 1 credit
- AM 430 International Retailing
- AM 460 Historic Textiles
- ANTH 100 Introductory Cultural Anthropology (GT-SS3) - 3 credits
- ANTH 140 Introduction to Archaeology (GT-HI1) - 3 credits
- ANTH 200 Cultures and the Global System (GT-SS3) - 1 credit
- ANTH 225 Anthropology of the Arts
- ANTH 313 Modernization and Development
- ANTH 322 The Anthropology of Religion
- ANTH 329 Cultural Change
- ANTH 330 Human Ecology
- ANTH 335 Language and Culture
- ANTH 336 Art and Culture
- ANTH 338 Gender and Anthropology
- ANTH 340 Medical Anthropology
- ANTH 413 Indigenous Peoples Today
- ANTH 415 Indigenous Ecologies and the Modern World
- ANTH 416 Gender, Culture, and Health
- ANTH 422/SOC 422 Comparative Legal Systems
- ANTH 438 Approaches to Community-Based Development
- ANTH 441 Method in Cultural Anthropology
- ANTH 447 Gender Equity in Development
- ANTH 448 Development and Empowerment
- ANTH 479/IE 479 International Development Theory and Practice
- AREC 240/ECON 240 Issues in Environmental Economics (GT-SS1) - 3 credits
- AREC 415 International Agricultural Trade
- AREC 460 Ag- and Resource-Based Economic Development
- BUS 350 Travel Abroad-International Comparative Management
- BUS 405B Contemporary Business Topics: International Business
- CON 450/INTD 450 Travel Abroad-Sustainable Building
- E 142 Reading Without Borders (GT-AH2) - 1 credit
- E 245 World Drama (GT-AH2) - 1 credit
- E 330 Gender in World Literature
- E 339 Literature of the Earth
- E 428 Postcolonial Literature
- E 465 Topics in Literature and Language
- ECON 101 Economics of Social Issues (GT-SS1) - 3 credits
- ECON 202 Principles of Microeconomics (GT-SS1) - 3 credits
- ECON 204 Principles of Macroeconomics (GT-SS1) - 3 credits
- ECON 211 Gender in the Economy (GT-SS1) - 1 credit
- ECON 332/POLS 332 International Political Economy
- ECON 370 Comparative Economic Systems
- ECON 440 Economics of International Trade and Policy
- ECON 442 Economics of International Finance and Policy
- ECON 460 Economic Development
- ETST 256 Border Crossings--People/Politics/Culture (GT-SS3) - 1 credit
- ETST 352/SOWK 352 Indigenous Women, Children, and Tribes
- ETST 365 Global Environmental Justice Movements
- FIN 475 International Business Finance
- GES 101 Foundations of Environmental Sustainability
- GES 192 Global Environmental Sustainability Seminar
- GR 213 Climate Migrants (GT-SS2) - 3 credits
- GR 320 Cultural Geography
- GR 330 Urban Geography
- GR 415 The Geography of Commodities
- HIST 463 Science and Technology in Modern History
- HIST 467 Modern Jewish History
- HIST 470 World Environmental History, 1500-Present
- IE 179 Globalization: Exploring Our Global Village (GT-SS3) - 1 credit
- IE 200 Global Studies
- IE 272 World Interdependence - Current Global Issues
- IE 379 Integrating Global Learning Post Study Abroad
- IE 450/SOWK 450 International Social Welfare and Development
- IE 470 Women and Development
- IE 471 Children and Youth in Global Context
- IE 472 Education for Global Peace
- IE 478 Managing International Development Programs
- INST 487 Internship - 5 credits
- INST 495 Independent Study - 5 credits
- JTC 412 International Mass Communication
- LB 173 Encountering the Global (GT-AH2) - 1 credit
- MGT 475 International Business Management
- MKT 365 International Marketing
- MU 131 Introduction to Music History and Literature (GT-AH1) - 3 credits
- MU 132 Exploring World Music - 1 credit
- NRRT 320 International Issues-Recreation and Tourism
- PHIL 170 World Philosophies (GT-AH3) - 1 credit
- PHIL 174 World Religions (GT-AH3) - 3 credits
- PHIL 320 Ethics of Sustainability
- PHIL 479 Topics in Comparative Religions
- POLS 131 Current World Problems (GT-SS1) - 1 credit
- POLS 232 International Relations (GT-SS1) - 1 credit
- POLS 241 Comparative Government and Politics (GT-SS1) - 1 credit
- POLS 347 Comparative Authoritarianism
- POLS 362 Global Environmental Politics
- POLS 431 International Law
- POLS 433 International Organization
- POLS 435 United States Foreign Policy
- POLS 436 Comparative Foreign Policy
- POLS 437 International Security
- POLS 440/GR 440 Political Geography
- POLS 442 Environmental Politics in Developing World
- POLS 443 Comparative Social Movements
- POLS 448 Comparative Racial/Ethnic Politics
- POLS 462 Globalization, Sustainability, and Justice
- SOC 105 Social Problems (GT-SS3) - 3 credits
- SOC 220 Environment, Food, and Social Justice (GT-SS3) - 1 credit
- SOC 320 Population-Natural Resources and Environment
- SOC 322 Environmental Justice
- SOC 323 Soc. of Environmental Cooperation & Conflict
- SOC 364 Food, Agriculture and Global Society
- SOC 461 Water and Social Justice
- SOC 482A Travel Abroad: Comparative Criminal Justice - 6 credits
- SOC 482B Travel Abroad: Crime and Deviance - 6 credits
- SPCM 434 Intercultural Communication
- Language Requirements:
- Complete 3 years of a single foreign language or 2 languages through the second year (L 201).
- Language courses cannot double count.
- Electives:
- Select enough elective credits to bring the program total to a minimum of 120 credits.
- Other:
- Credit allowed for only one of the following: LCHI 365, LGEN 465B, LJPN 365.
- Maximum 3 credits for INST 487 Internship.
- To count toward the International Studies Major Course Selection, travel abroad must be to a country or area covered by this concentration.
عرض المزيد