نظرة عامة على البرنامج
This doctoral program requires 60 credit hours, including a dissertation project (9 hours). Students must complete 24 hours of graded coursework, 4 hours of seminar, and 26 hours of coursework or 9000-level graduate credits. The program includes comprehensive exams, a public dissertation defense, and a first-author publication in a peer-reviewed journal.
مخطط البرنامج
The program requires a dissertation project. Sixty hours of credit at the graduate level must be earned including a minimum of nine hours of credit for the thesis research project.
The degree requires a dissertation project. Sixty hours of credit at the graduate level must be earned including a minimum of nine hours of credit for the thesis research project. Course Requirements: Successful completion of at least 60 semester hours in courses numbered 4000 or above; The Doctoral student must take a minimum of 24 hours of graded course work and seminars beyond the B.S. degree distributed as follows: The majority of course credit should be courses with the GEOL prefix. Seminar: must take 4 credit hours of seminar. The Doctoral student must take at least 9 hours of GEOL 9000 Dissertation Research (1-12 per sem.) Up to 24 hours of M.S. or graduate transfer credit in graded course work can be counted towards the Ph.D. requirements. Other PhD requirements include: The exam consists of oral defense of a written thesis proposal or equivalent research proposal. The examination must be taken during or immediately following the semester in which all coursework is completed. A public defense of the dissertation is required once the dissertation committee has approved a final draft. The exam consists of oral defense of a written thesis proposal or equivalent research proposal. The examination must be taken during or immediately following the semester in which all coursework is completed. A public defense of the dissertation is required once the dissertation committee has approved a final draft. Major advisor must be selected by end of first semester in degree program. Dissertation committee must be selected by end of second semester in degree program.