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تاريخ البدء
وسيلة الدراسة
حقائق البرنامج
تفاصيل البرنامج
تخصص رئيسي
Sociology | Gender Studies | Anthropology
دراسات ثقافية
لغة الدورة
عن البرنامج

نظرة عامة على البرنامج

The African American Studies Minor at the University of Tulsa offers a foundation in the history, literature, and culture of Africans and African Americans. Students can choose from a variety of electives to complement the required core course, providing a well-rounded understanding of the African American experience. The minor consists of twelve hours, with at least six hours required to be taken at the 3000 level or above.

مخطط البرنامج

Degree Overview:

The African American Studies Minor at the University of Tulsa provides students with the opportunity to enhance any major with a foundation in the history, literature, and culture of Africans and African Americans. The minor consists of twelve hours, with at least six of those hours required to be taken at the 3000 level or above.


Required Core Course (3 hours)

  • HIST 2543 Africans in the Americas from Slavery to Freedom

Electives (9 hours)

  • ANTH 3803 The Roots of Hamilton: Relics of Resistance in the Black Atlantic World
  • ANTH 4273 Archaeology and History of the African Diaspora
  • ANTH 4503 Seminar in Anthropology
  • CPLT 2253 African Film
  • ENGL 2083 African-American Autobiography
  • ENGL 2173 Reading American Culture
  • ENGL 2313 Reading Major American Writers
  • ENGL 3193 Black American Women Writers or WS 3193 Black American Women Writers
  • ENGL 3243 African American Literature
  • ENGL 3343 African American Novel
  • HIST 3273 History of Women in the United States to 1900 or WS 3273 History of Women in the United States to 1900
  • HIST 3513 Colonial America
  • HIST 3523 Revolutionary America, 1750-1800
  • HIST 3543 The Civil War
  • HIST 3803 The Roots of Hamilton: Relics of Resistance in the Black Atlantic World
  • MUS 1043 Jazz: Mirror of American Society
  • MUS 2083 Black American Musical Experience
  • MUS 2113 History of Rhythm and Blues
  • POL 3263 African Politics
  • POL 3343 Civil Liberties in the United States
  • PSY 4063 Psychology of Diversity
  • SOC 1033 The Sociological Imagination: An Introduction to Sociology
  • SOC 2133 Inequality in American Society
  • SOC 3093 Sociology of Poverty
  • SOC 3133 Social Movements
  • THEA 2111 Modern Dance I
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