حقائق البرنامج
تفاصيل البرنامج
درجة البكالوريوس
تخصص رئيسي
دراسات ثقافية
لغة الدورة
عن البرنامج
نظرة عامة على البرنامج
The Economics program at Tulsa University provides a comprehensive education in economic principles and theories. Students complete a core curriculum in liberal arts and sciences, along with required courses in economics, including macroeconomics, microeconomics, and economic theory. They also choose a minor field and complete general electives to tailor their degree to their interests. The program prepares graduates for careers in various fields, including finance, consulting, and government.
مخطط البرنامج
Tulsa Curriculum and First Year Experience (51-53 hours)
- Core Curriculum and First Year Experience (26-28 hours)
- FYE 1001 First Year Experience
- AS 2001 The Liberal Arts and Preparation for Life after Graduation
- ENGL 1033 Exposition and Argumentation or FS 1963 First Seminar I and FS 1900 Writing Studio
- FS 1973 First Seminar II
- Foreign Language (12-14 hours)
- MATH 1083 Contemporary Mathematics (STAT 2013 or a higher MATH course taken for the major requirements will fulfill this requirement)
- 4973 Senior Project (3 hours)
- General Curriculum (25 hours)
- Block I Aesthetic Inquiry and Creative Experience (6 hours)
- Block II Historical and Social Interpretation (12 hours)
- Block III Scientific Investigation (7 hours including one lab)
Economics Major Requirements (33 hours)
- Required Courses (21 hours)
- ECON 2013 Principles of Economics I: Macroeconomics
- ECON 2023 Principles of Economics II: Microeconomics
- ECON 3023 Macroeconomic Theory
- ECON 3033 Microeconomic Theory
- ECON 4053 History of Economic Theory
- MATH 1243 Applied Calculus or MATH 2014 Calculus I
- STAT 2013 Introduction to Statistics or SOC 2023 Statistics for the Social Sciences
- Economics Electives (12 hours)
- At least 9 hours must be at the 3000-4000 level.
Required Minor (12 hours)
- The minor field consists of at least 12 hours with at least 6 hours at 3000 or 4000 level. Some minors require more than 12 hours.
عرض المزيد