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Auckland University of Technology

Auckland University of Technology

Auckland , New Zealand
Auckland , New Zealand
University Facts
AucklandNew Zealand
About University
Auckland University of Technology
Auckland University of Technology


  • Auckland University of Technology (AUT) was established in 2000 through the merger of Auckland Technical Institute and the Auckland College of Education.
  • AUT has four campuses: City Campus, North Shore Campus, South Campus, and Manukau Campus.
  • AUT is a leading provider of higher education in New Zealand, with over 29,000 students enrolled.
  • AUT offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs, as well as vocational and professional qualifications.
  • AUT has a strong focus on research, with over $100 million invested in research each year.
  • AUT is committed to providing a supportive and inclusive learning environment for all students.

Student Life:

  • AUT offers a vibrant and diverse student life, with over 150 student clubs and societies.
  • AUT has a strong focus on sustainability, with a number of initiatives in place to reduce the university's environmental impact.
  • AUT has a dedicated team of student support services, including academic advising, counseling, and health services.
  • AUT offers a range of campus facilities, including libraries, computer labs, and recreation centers.


  • AUT has a strong academic reputation, with a number of its programs ranked among the top in New Zealand.
  • AUT has a diverse faculty of over 1,500 academic staff, many of whom are internationally recognized experts in their fields.
  • AUT uses a variety of teaching methodologies, including lectures, tutorials, workshops, and online learning.
  • AUT offers a range of academic support services, including tutoring, writing centers, and math labs.
  • AUT has a number of unique academic programs and initiatives, including the AUT Millennium Scholarship, which provides financial assistance to high-achieving students.

Top Reasons to Study Here:

  • AUT has a strong reputation for academic excellence, with a number of its programs ranked among the top in New Zealand.
  • AUT offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs, as well as vocational and professional qualifications.
  • AUT has a strong focus on research, with over $100 million invested in research each year.
  • AUT has a vibrant and diverse student life, with over 150 student clubs and societies.
  • AUT is committed to providing a supportive and inclusive learning environment for all students.


  • AUT offers a range of student services, including counseling, health, housing, library resources, technology support, and career development.
  • AUT has a dedicated team of student support staff who are available to help students with any issues they may have.
  • AUT offers a range of financial assistance options, including scholarships, grants, and loans.
  • AUT has a number of on-campus accommodation options, as well as a range of off-campus accommodation options.
  • AUT has a well-equipped library system, with over 1.5 million books and journals.
  • AUT offers a range of technology support services, including computer labs, printing services, and wireless internet access.
  • AUT has a dedicated career development center that provides students with support in finding jobs and internships.
Total programs