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University of Göttingen

Göttingen , Germany
Göttingen , Germany
University Facts
Average ranking globally
# 101
Average ranking in the country
# -
About University
University of Göttingen
Founded in 1737, the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen is a research university of high internationalstanding. It is well-known, not only for its remarkably diverse range of subjects, but also for its research-led teaching and outstanding scientific environment in which more than 45 Nobel laureates have lived,studied, researched and taught.


Student services

The International Office (International Student Services) supports international students in administrative affairs, e.g. enrolment in the university and the foreigners' registration office, in finding suitable health insurance and in financial matters; it also helps to connect students with other institutions.

Furthermore, it features a broad cultural programme, e.g. international cultural evenings, language workshops, theatre courses, excursions to various German towns, films, dance classes, theatre and opera visits.

Housing services

The cost of living in Göttingen is modest compared to most university cities in Germany. Approx. 650-700 EUR per month are currently required (for accommodation, food, health insurance, books, etc.).

The International Office (International Student Services), in collaboration with the "Studentenwerk", helps students seeking accommodation. Many international students live in student residence halls. These have single apartments or shared apartments with individual rooms. There are also apartments available for couples and families with children.

Library services

The founding of the Göttingen University Library in 1734 was a landmark. For the first time in library history, the concept of a modern research library was put into practice and the institution became the first comprehensive academic library of European standing. Today, it continues to hold a pole position. With over 7.8 million medial units, it is currently one of Germany´s largest libraries.

ICT services

Wi-Fi internet access in the city of Göttingen and the University Library are available via GoeMobile and eduroam. All students at Göttingen University receive a free account upon matriculation to obtain Wi-Fi internet access. StudIT – IT service offers students at Göttingen University a number of PCs with internet access and extensive software options.

Medical services

The University Medical Center Göttingen is one of the largest university hospitals in Germany. Faculty of Medicine and University Hospital form a unity in which excellent research, teaching and patient care take place under one roof. The internationally recognised priority research areas Neuroscience, Cardiovascular Research and Oncology have a strong foundation in basic science.

Student Life

Campus life

Göttingen, with a population of approx. 117,000, is a city where tradition and innovation complement one another perfectly. The historic quarter, with its excellently preserved timber-framed houses on the one hand, and the University of Göttingen with its 31,456 students on the other hand, create a lively atmosphere that would be hard to find elsewhere.

The university departments and buildings are spread around various campuses in the city and are within easy walking or cycling distance from each other. Accommodation for 5,000 students in halls of residence and excellent canteens, run by the Student Services Organisation, allow for a high quality of life at low cost.

Sports facilities

For those of you looking for a break from all the research and studying, there are several sports facilities available within and outside the University. The Hochschulsport Göttingen offers a wide range of disciplines for students and employees of the University and the Max Planck Institutes.

Student clubs

At the University of Göttingen there are several possibilities to engage in student associations, for example: ADF Göttingen (working group of democratic students’ association members), ADW (working group of democratic economists), Action Group Law, Liberal party university association Göttingen, Circle of Christian democratic students, etc.


A total of 150 degree programmes, i.e. almost all Bachelor, Master and PhD degree programmes, have currently successfully been accredited or re-accredited at the University of Göttingen. In accordance with §6 of the Higher Education Legal Framework for Lower Saxony, accreditation is required by law for every degree programme and every substantial change to a degree programme in Lower Saxony.

Total programs