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University of Stavanger

University of Stavanger

Stavanger , Norway
Stavanger , Norway
University Facts
About University
University of Stavanger
University of Stavanger
The University of Stavanger is situated in the most attractive region in the country, with some 300000 inhabitants. In constant collaboration and dialogue with our surroundings, regionally, nationally and internationally, we enjoy an open and creative climate for education, research, innovation, dissemination and museum activities.


Housing services

International students can be accommodated in two different types of student housing, SiS or UiS accommodation.

The accommodation owned by the Student Welfare Organisation in Stavanger (SiS) issponsored by the state and therefore reasonably priced.

Since there is not enough SiS accommodation for international students, the University of Stavanger (UiS) rents accommodation on the private market, which are then rented out to students. The UiS accommodation is more expensive than the SiS accommodation, but more affordable than what students can expect to find on the private market in Stavange.

Library services

The University library has four departments. Ullandhaug is the biggest department. It is open day and night for students and staff at UiS. The Library is a resource for students and staff at UiS. We also offer services for private citizens, students at other institutions, other libraries and the private business sector.

ICT services

There are computers for student usage located around the university. The University of Stavanger also provide the students with free Wi-Fi on campus. As a student you will have access to IT support. The University of Stavanger (UiS) offers several free software packages and services like Microsoft Office 365, SurveyXact and OneDrive for all students at UiS.

Medical services

Health and welfare needs are provided by SiS's four psychologists and a nurse. All students who have paid their tuition fees for the semester can avail themselves of the healthcare services provided by SiS.

SiS helse (SiS Health) offers financial support schemes for large healthcare expenses and provides information about GPs.

Student Life

Sports facilities

The SIS sports centre offers different classes throughout the day with everything from yoga and pilates to Zumba, body pump, spinning, boot camp and more. Various special events such as a spinning marathon, a Zumba party, different family events and climbing courses are also arranged. They have passes for children at set times of the day.

UiSI – Universitetet i Stavangers Idrettslag is the student athletic club at the University of Stavanger. Their offers should motivate students in the Stavanger region to be more active through sports groups, athletic events and other social activities.

Student clubs

  • The Student Organisation at UiS - StOr
  • Fadder
  • Folken
  • Velferdstinget
  • Student media in Stavanger (SmiS)
  • Høyres studenter
  • Amnesty UiS
  • SAIH
  • ISU

Total programs