Explore 135 Programs in Langauges in Australia | Educatly
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135 Programs
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- BachelorsBachelor of Modern Languages25,356 USD / YearThe University of Western AustraliaPerth, AustraliaFull time--Less than two years
- DiplomaGraduate Certificate of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages7,830 USD / TotalDeakin UniversityMelbourne, AustraliaFull time--Less than two years
- CoursesCourse in English as an Additional Language (EAL) 22637VIC2,903 USD / TotalVictoria UniversityMelbourne, AustraliaFull time and Part time--Less than two years
- CoursesGeneral English Course1,466 USD / YearAnglican Schools Commission (ASC)Perth, AustraliaFull timeOn campus-Less than two years
- CoursesEF45 English Language Program 45 Weeks - Courses & Units-University of TasmaniaHobart, AustraliaFull time and Part time--Less than two years
- CoursesCourse in Initial EAL3,017 USD / YearSwinburne University of TechnologyMelbourne, AustraliaFull time--Less than two years
- CoursesGeneral English (Level 1-5)1,629 USD / YearNational Polytechnic of Australia Pty LtdMelbourne, AustraliaFull timeBlended-Less than two years
- CoursesIELTS Preparation Course1,466 USD / TotalAustralian Skills Management InstituteSydney, AustraliaFull time--Less than two years
- CoursesCertificate IV in EAL (Employment / Professional) 22490VIC-Victoria UniversityMelbourne, AustraliaFull timeOn campus-Less than two years
- DiplomaGraduate Diploma in TESOL20,234 USD / YearWestern Sydney UniversitySydney, AustraliaFull time--Less than two years