Explore 130 Programs in Industrial Design in United Kingdom | Educatly
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United Kingdom
Industrial Design
130 Programs
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- MastersAdvanced Engineering Design MSc26,193 USD / YearBrunel University LondonLondon, United KingdomFull timeOn campus-2 years
- MastersMA Automotive and Transport Design23,092 USD / YearCoventry UniversityCoventry, United KingdomFull time--Less than two years
- BachelorsAutomotive & Transport Design21,259 USD / YearStaffordshire UniversityStoke-on-Trent, United KingdomFull time--3 years
- MastersMEng Design Engineering37,014 USD / -University of BristolBristol, United KingdomFull time and Part time--4 years
- FoundationFoundation Certificate for Science and Engineering to Product Design and Manufacture with Industrial Year BEng (Hons)36,558 USD / YearUniversity of NottinghamNottingham, United KingdomFull timeOn campus-4 years
- BachelorsIndustrial Design BA (Hons) degree35,900 USD / YearLoughborough UniversityLoughborough, United KingdomFull timeOn campusFall 20254 years
- MastersMEng (Hons) Global Design Engineering31,190 USD / YearTEDI - LondonLondon, United KingdomFull timeOn campus-4 years
- BachelorsBEng Hons Sports Design Engineering21,576 USD / YearUniversity of StrathclydeGlasgow, United KingdomFull timeOn campus-4 years
- MastersMSc Advanced Engineering Design20,441 USD / YearUniversity of SunderlandSunderland, United KingdomFull time--Less than two years
- BachelorsBEng (Hons) in Mechanical Engineering Design20,522 USD / YearOxford Brookes UniversityOxford, United KingdomFull timeOn campusFall 20253 years