Explore 23 Bachelors Programs in Manufacturing and Processing in United Kingdom | Educatly
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United Kingdom
Manufacturing and Processing
23 Programs
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- BachelorsTextiles with foundation year | BA (Hons)-London Metropolitan UniversityLondon, United KingdomFull timeOn campus-4 years
- BachelorsDesign and Manufacture (Graduate Apprenticeship) FT BEng (hons) Part-time-Edinburgh Napier UniversityEdinburgh, United KingdomPart time--4 years
- BachelorsBEng (Hons) Advanced Manufacturing-University of CumbriaBarrow-in-Furness, United KingdomFull timeOn campus-3 years
- BachelorsBaking Science and Technology19,068 USD / YearLondon South Bank UniversityLondon, United KingdomFull time--3 years
- BachelorsProduct Design and Manufacture including an Industrial Year BEng Hons11,739 USD / YearUniversity of NottinghamNottingham, United KingdomFull time--4 years
- BachelorsTextiles BA (Hons)-London Metropolitan UniversityLondon, United KingdomFull timeOn campus-3 years
- BachelorsBrewing and Distilling (Partnership College Route)-Heriot-Watt UniversityEdinburgh, United KingdomFull timeOn campus-4 years
- BachelorsAdvanced Manufacturing Engineering, Degree Apprenticeships11,467 USD / YearThe College, Swansea UniversitySwansea, United KingdomFull time--3 years
- BachelorsTextiles (Top-Up) BA (Hons)-London Metropolitan UniversityLondon, United KingdomFull timeOn campus-Less than two years
- BachelorsBSc Food Technology with Bioprocessing with Industrial Training34,929 USD / -University of ReadingReading, United KingdomFull time and Part time--4 years