Explore 97 Bachelors Programs in Comparative Literature | Educatly
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Comparative Literature
97 Programs
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- BachelorsHumanities, Society and Culture: Language, Communication and Culture34,114 USD / YearAnglo American UniversityPrague, Czech RepublicFull timeOn campus-3 years
- BachelorsFilm Studies and French (BA (Hons))29,310 USD / YearQueen Mary University of LondonLondon, United KingdomFull time--4 years
- BachelorsScandinavian Studies, B.A.-University of WisconsinMadison, United StatesFull time and Part time--Less than two years
- BachelorsBA Film Studies and German-University of ManchesterManchester, United KingdomFull time--4 years
- BachelorsInterdisciplinary Studies: Global and Intercultural Understanding Emphasis-University of ArizonaTucson, United StatesFull time and Part time--Less than two years
- BachelorsItalian Literary and Cultural Studies (BA)-University of ConnecticutStorrs, United StatesFull time and Part time--Less than two years
- BachelorsBA International Letters and Cultures (Classics)34,398 USD / YearArizona State UniversityTempe, United StatesFull timeOn campusSummer 20254 years
- BachelorsMajor in Comparative Literature | Bachelor of Arts Degree-Clark UniversityWorcester, United StatesFull time and Part time--Less than two years
- BachelorsFrench Studies and English Literature BA Hons30,021 USD / YearLancaster UniversityLancaster, United KingdomFull time--4 years
- BachelorsBachelor of Arts in Literature-Simmons UniversityBoston, United StatesFull time and Part time--Less than two years