Explore 21 Bachelors Programs in Animal Husbandry | Educatly
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Animal Husbandry
21 Programs
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- BachelorsAnimal Science Degree: Animal Industry-University of ArizonaTucson, United StatesFull time and Part time--Less than two years
- BachelorsAnimal Management - BSc (Hons), CertHE, DipHE17,710 USD / YearARU CollegeCambridge, United KingdomFull timeOn campus-3 years
- BachelorsAnimal Management (Bioveterinary Science) - BSc (Hons), CertHE, DipHE17,710 USD / YearARU CollegeCambridge, United KingdomFull time--3 years
- BachelorsBachelor of Applied Science (Animal Management and Welfare)15,427 USD / TotalUnitec Institute of TechnologyAlbert-Eden, New ZealandFull time--3 years
- BachelorsZoology with Animal Management BSc (Hons)18,880 USD / YearBangor UniversityBangor, United KingdomFull timeOn campus-3 years
- BachelorsAnimal Management (Pet Behaviour and Welfare) - BSc (Hons), CertHE, DipHE17,710 USD / YearARU CollegeCambridge, United KingdomFull time--3 years
- BachelorsBSc (Hons) Equine Science & Welfare Management-Wrexham UniversityNorthop, United KingdomPart time-Fall 20253 years
- BachelorsAnimal & Veterinary Science: Dairy-University of IdahoMoscow, United StatesFull time and Part time--Less than two years
- BachelorsBSc (Hons) Equine Science & Welfare Management (with Foundation Year)-Wrexham UniversityNorthop, United KingdomFull time and Part time-Fall 20254 years
- BachelorsAnimal Systems-Montana State UniversityBozeman, United StatesFull time--4 years