BSc (Hons) Petroleum Engineering and Gas Technology
Program Overview
The program emphasizes collaboration with international and national partners and focuses on developing students' analytical and technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and research experience. It also encourages entrepreneurship and community involvement through its focus on project economics and resource evaluation methods for decision-making under uncertainty.
Program Outline
The program emphasizes collaboration with UK and global partners to provide international and national opportunities for graduates to enhance their knowledge, entrepreneurship skills, and community development contributions. The program encourages final-year students to publish their research in high-impact scientific journals.
The PET program covers a range of modules encompassing both fundamental and applied aspects of petroleum engineering. Specific modules include: Drilling Engineering, Reservoir Engineering, Reservoir Rock Properties, Reservoir Fluid Properties, Well Testing, Reservoir Modelling and Simulation, Surveying for Petroleum Engineers, Petroleum Development Geology, Petroleum Economics and Legislation, Petroleum and Natural Gas Exploration, and Safety & Environment in Petroleum Industry. However, it mentions that the program encourages final-year students to publish their research work in graduation projects in prestigious Q1 and Q2 scientific journals. This suggests that research and publication are components of the assessment. It does mention that faculty members, staff, and students conduct research in various energy fields, including Integrated Reservoir Characterization, Reservoir Simulation, Enhanced oil recovery, Petrophysics and Pore Scale Processes, Hydraulic Fracturing and Reservoir Geomechanics, Formation Evaluation, Natural Gas Engineering, Drilling and Completions, and Unconventional Resources. This implies that research is an integral part of the teaching and learning experience.
The PET program is the first Petroleum Engineering program among all Egyptian private universities. It has strong links to industry and research activities. The program has been running successfully for more than 19 years.
The requirements are as follows: English Language or English Literature Chemistry Physics Mathematics Advanced Mathematics or SAT II or its equivalent of ACT II & EST II (with a minimum score of 900 if choosing SAT II or equivalent. Acceptable subjects for SAT II or equivalent include Mathematics and any one of Biology, Chemistry, or Physics). Four other approved subjects.