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Program Facts
Program Details
Data Science | Data Analytics
Area of study
Information and Communication Technologies
Course Language
About Program

Program Overview

About Program

Data Science Program is committed to preparing a distinguished graduate who keeps pace with technological development and is able to compete in the labor market locally, regionally, and internationally through education that keeps pace with international standards, and actively participates in the field of scientific research to serve society and achieve sustainable development goals within the framework of core values and professional ethics.

Undergraduate Program & Degree

Data Science program of FUE awards the degree of Bachelor of Computers and Information Technology with a Major in Data Science.

Data Science Program Objectives

Graduates of the Data Science program will be:
  • Valued professionals in IT industry capable of applying Data Science principles and practices and/or pursuing advanced degrees in computing or related disciplines.
  • Ethically, legally, and socially responsible, and productive practitioners in Data Science and related fields.
  • Innovators, leaders, and lifelong learners able to respond to technological changes and challenges.

Data Science Learning Outcomes

The program of Data Science enables students to achieve the following outcomes, by the time of graduation:
  • Use appropriate tools and techniques to collect primary data of various types and prepare them for processing qualitative analysis.
  • Applying statistical and analytical techniques to transform large amounts of raw and unstructured data into valuable information.
  • Presenting data and displaying it visually to clarify strategies and/or decisions based on the results of analyzing that data.
  • Extract ideas and insights from analyzed data using artificial intelligence techniques and machine learning algorithms.
  • Develop business development strategies based on the results of analysis, study, and application of models, artificial intelligence techniques, and machine learning.
  • Building efficient models to set correct and close predictions in various fields such as opinion polls, elections, travel reservations, detection of fraud cases, scientific and social studies, and others.
  • Establishing the need for lifelong learning.

System of Study

The system of study is a credit Hour system. The total credit hour requirements of the bachelor’s degree are 132 credit hours. A regular student can achieve the 132 credit hour requirements in four academic years (8 semesters). A course of 3 credit hours is delivered as 2 hours theoretical lecture teaching and 2 hours practical/tutorial session (4 contact hours).
The curriculum of Data Science program is structured to be consistent with the educational objectives of computerscience. The curriculum combines technical and professional requirements with general education requirements and electives to prepare students for a professional career and further study in the computing discipline associated with the program, and for functioning in modern society. The technical and professional requirements include two years of up-to-date coverage of basic and advanced topics in the computing discipline associated with the program. In addition, the program includes mathematics and physics appropriate to the discipline. The curriculum of the Data Science program is divided into the following subject areas:
Subject Area Number of Courses Number of Credit Hours
Humanities, Ethical and
Social Sciences (Univ. Req.)
5 (Compulsory)
1 (Elective)
10 (Compulsory)
2 (Elective)
Mathematics and
Basic Sciences
7 (Compulsory) 21 (Compulsory)
Basic Computing Sciences
(institution req.)
13 (Compulsory) 39 (Compulsory)
Applied Computing Sciences
12 (Compulsory)
1 (Elective)
36 (Compulsory)
3 (Elective)
Training 1 (Compulsory) 3 (Compulsory)
Projects 2 (Compulsory) 6 (Compulsory)
Subtotal 40 (Compulsory)
2 (Elective)
115 (Compulsory)
5 (Elective)
Optional (Institution character-
identifying subjects)
4 (Elective) 12 (Elective)
Total 132