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Tuition Fee
Start Date
Medium of studying
48 months
Program Facts
Program Details
Computer Science
Area of study
Information and Communication Technologies
Course Language
About Program

Program Overview

Alte University's Computer Science (English) program equips graduates with the skills to analyze, develop, and create software solutions for various fields. The program emphasizes modern technologies, professional ethics, and prepares graduates for careers in software development, data science, and other computer science-related fields. The program features project-based learning, industry partnerships, and opportunities for entrepreneurship.

Program Outline

The program emphasizes modern standards and computer technologies, incorporating professional ethics into its curriculum.

  • Objectives: The program aims to prepare graduates who can:
  • Analyze and develop existing software products.
  • Create new software solutions for tasks in various fields.
  • Utilize modern standards and computer technologies.
  • Apply professional ethics in their work.
  • Program Description: The program is designed to meet the growing demand for computer science specialists in both local and global markets.
  • It features:
  • Innovative teaching methodologies.
  • Adaptation to the needs of the local and international employment market.
  • Modern, international standard training courses.
  • Close partnerships with potential employers.


  • Program Structure: The program is structured around a combination of theoretical and practical learning, including:
  • Lectures:
  • Delivering foundational knowledge in computer science.
  • Group Work: Fostering collaboration and problem-solving skills.
  • Discussions: Encouraging critical thinking and knowledge exchange.
  • Explanatory Sessions: Providing in-depth explanations of concepts.
  • Presentations: Developing communication and presentation skills.
  • Brainstorming: Generating creative solutions and ideas.
  • Practical Methods: Applying theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios.
  • Problem-Based Learning (PBL): Solving complex problems through hands-on experience.
  • Deductive-Inductive Methods: Utilizing logical reasoning and observation.
  • Analytical Method: Breaking down complex problems into smaller components.
  • Synthetic Method: Combining different elements to create a whole solution.
  • Laboratory Method: Conducting experiments and practical exercises.
  • Role Play: Simulating real-world situations and professional interactions.
  • Teaching Through Simulators: Using virtual environments for practical training.
  • Learn by Doing: Emphasizing hands-on experience and active learning.
  • Course Content: The program covers a wide range of topics, including:
  • Fundamental Knowledge Areas of Computer Science:
  • Providing a strong foundation in core computer science concepts.
  • Software and Technical Means: Exploring tools and technologies used in software development and implementation.
  • Algorithms and Software Tools: Examining algorithms for solving computer science tasks and matching them with appropriate software tools.
  • Customer and User Interests: Understanding the needs and perspectives of both customers and users in software development.
  • Computer Science-Based Solutions: Designing, creating, and analyzing software solutions that meet predetermined requirements and industry standards.
  • Professional Communication: Developing effective communication skills for various professional contexts.
  • Ethical and Legal Principles: Integrating ethical and legal considerations into professional decision-making.
  • Teamwork and Management: Collaborating effectively in teams and managing small teams in software development projects.
  • Individual Learning and Development: Identifying personal learning needs and planning for professional growth.
  • Course Aspects:
  • Modern Learning Materials: The program utilizes up-to-date learning materials, covering topics such as:
  • Object-oriented programming
  • Data structures and algorithms
  • Tech entrepreneurship
  • Graphic design
  • Computer networks
  • Network systems management
  • Unstructured databases
  • Mobile application development
  • System programming
  • Machine learning
  • Data analysis
  • Introduction to cyber security
  • Data engineering
  • IoT-smart systems
  • UI/UX design
  • Software engineering
  • DevOps
  • Project-Based Learning:
  • The program emphasizes project-based learning, with students completing two independent projects:
  • Developing a software product with a team.
  • Preparing project documentation, building a working prototype, and applying knowledge and experience gained in the field.
  • Specialization Optional Modules: Students can choose from a range of specialization modules, including:
  • Angular
  • Blockchain technologies
  • Digital signal processing
  • Game creation
  • iOS programming
  • Natural language processing
  • Parallel computing
  • Smart contracts
  • Software testing automation
  • Product design
  • Cloud computing
  • The programming language C#
  • Management information systems
  • Industry Partnerships: The program fosters close relationships with partner organizations, offering students:
  • Involvement in projects related to:
  • Application creation
  • System creation using IoT technologies
  • Development of small software systems
  • System integration and testing
  • Design of small and medium-sized networks
  • Additional Learning Opportunities:
  • The program offers:
  • Workshops
  • Thematic seminars
  • Meetings with industry guests
  • Involvement in research


  • Teaching Methods: The program utilizes a variety of teaching methods, including:
  • Lectures
  • Group work
  • Discussions
  • Explanatory sessions
  • Presentations
  • Brainstorming
  • Practical methods
  • Problem-based learning (PBL)
  • Deductive-inductive methods
  • Analytical method
  • Synthetic method
  • Laboratory method
  • Role play
  • Teaching through simulators
  • Learn by doing
  • Unique Approaches: The program emphasizes project-based learning, industry partnerships, and opportunities for entrepreneurship, which are unique approaches to computer science education.


  • Potential Career Paths: Graduates of the Computer Science (English) program can pursue careers in various fields, including:
  • Software development
  • Web development
  • Mobile application development
  • Data science
  • Cybersecurity
  • Network administration
  • System analysis
  • IT consulting
  • Research and development
  • Opportunities: The program prepares graduates for a wide range of job opportunities in both the local and international markets.
  • Program Goals: The program aims to prepare graduates who can analyze, develop, and create software solutions using modern standards and computer technologies, while adhering to professional ethics.
  • Program Features: The program features innovative teaching methodologies, adaptation to the needs of the employment market, modern training courses, and close partnerships with potential employers.