Program Overview
The MSc Software Engineering program at the University of Southampton provides students with advanced knowledge and skills in both traditional and contemporary software development approaches. Through a customizable curriculum, students can specialize in areas like cloud applications, security, and user experience. Graduates gain a competitive edge in the software engineering industry, pursuing careers in research, development, and consultancy roles worldwide.
Program Outline
Some of our graduates go on to work in software engineering research or advanced software development projects in development and consultancy roles across the world. You’ll select from a range of subject areas like cloud and mobile applications, security and user experience to study in depth. MSc Software Engineering will develop your skills in traditional and contemporary software development. Our recognised software engineering master's will teach you formal methods and object-oriented programming. You’ll have the opportunity to enhance your skills in software modelling, design, development, and testing. This master’s in software engineering offers taught modules in specialist subjects such as: cloud and mobile applications critical systems data mining e-business intelligent agents model checking security user experience The University of Southampton has pioneered many of the most important advances in computer science and web technology of the past 10 years. We are also a partner of The Alan Turing Institute, the UK’s national institute for data science and artificial intelligence. Our academics have played a leading role in establishing a European Data Science Academy.