Program Overview
The Certificate in Religious Studies is an interdisciplinary program that studies religious beliefs, rituals, practices, and structures from various global communities. It examines their history, formation, and reinterpretations, highlighting religion's significance throughout human history and its enduring influence in today's world. The program emphasizes the vital role of religion in human affairs, offering a global perspective on this essential aspect of human civilization.
Program Outline
Degree Overview:
The Certificate in Religious Studies is an interdisciplinary program that examines beliefs, rituals, practices, and social structures from religious communities around the world. It offers students the opportunity to study the history and formation of these practices, beliefs, and structures, as well as their reinterpretations over time. The program emphasizes the role of religion in human affairs and requires six courses taken from a variety of departments.
The program is described as a significant area of human activity throughout history that remains a potent force today in modern politics, society, and culture. It is considered an essential part of a global liberal arts education.