Program start date | Application deadline |
2024-05-01 | - |
2024-09-01 | - |
2025-01-01 | - |
2025-05-01 | - |
2025-09-01 | - |
Program Overview
The MSc Agrifood Innovation from Aberystwyth University provides a comprehensive understanding of the challenges facing the agri-food sector, through distance learning with optional workshops. The program equips students with technical and communication tools to drive innovation and lead change, with a wide range of optional modules to tailor the course to their specific interests. It is designed for individuals already employed in the agri-food sector seeking to update their knowledge and skills, and can also be taken for continuing professional development or towards a Postgraduate Certificate.
Program Outline
It is designed for individuals working or aspiring to work in agricultural and environmental advisory roles, veterinary medicine, further education lecturing, and technical sales. This distance learning program, with optional workshops, aims to enhance advisory skills, update technical knowledge, and provide a postgraduate qualification while working.
The program equips students with technical and communication tools to drive innovation and lead change. Optional modules allow for deeper exploration of specific supply chain facets and/or expansion of communication skills. Students develop research skills through a work-based research project.
- Delivery: Distance learning with optional workshops.
- Duration: 5 years (part-time).
- Intakes: Three intakes per year (January, May, September).
- Modules:
- Core Modules:
- Dissertation (BDM3560, 60 credits)
- Facilitation for Organisation Leadership (MMM5920, 20 credits)
- Research Methods (BDM0120, 20 credits)
- Sustainable Supply Systems (BDM1120, 20 credits)
- Optional Modules:
- Behaviour Change (BDM8820, 20 credits)
- Biorefining Technologies (BDM7720, 20 credits)
- Business Management for Rural Entrepreneurs (BDM8320, 20 credits)
- Coaching and Mentoring for Leaders (MMM5820, 20 credits)
- Controlled Environment Agriculture (BDM6220, 20 credits)
- Future of Packaging (BDM1320, 20 credits)
- Genetics and Genomics in Agriculture (BDM5820, 20 credits)
- Grassland Systems (BDM5120, 20 credits)
- Horticultural Science (BDM6920, 20 credits)
- Leading Change (MMM5720, 20 credits)
- Life Cycle Assessment and Beyond (BDM6320, 20 credits)
- Livestock Health and Welfare (BDM5920, 20 credits)
- Livestock Nutrition (BDM0320, 20 credits)
- Livestock Production Science (BDM5420, 20 credits)
- Meat Processing (BDM8720, 20 credits)
- Nuffield Scholarship Project (New Awards) (BDM1740, 40 credits)
- Nuffield Scholarship Project (Post-Completion) (BDM1840, 40 credits)
- Organic and Low Input Ruminant Production (BDM7520, 20 credits)
- Plant Breeding (BDM8420, 20 credits)
- Precision Livestock (BDM6420, 20 credits)
- Public Goods (BDM1920, 20 credits)
- Ruminant Gut Microbiology (BDM2820, 20 credits)
- Silage Science (BDM5620, 20 credits)
- Waste Resource Management (BDM1220, 20 credits)
- No exams: Assessment is through coursework, including reports, essays, literature reviews, case studies, research proposals, data analysis tasks, online assignments, presentations, and forum discussions.
- Workshop-based modules: Practical tasks are often included in the assessed work.
- IBERS modules: Delivered entirely online through distance learning.
- Content: Recorded lectures, presentations, podcasts, e-group projects, guided readings, interactive workbooks, discussion forums, assignments, and e-tutorials.
- Aberystwyth Business School modules: Delivered through workshops.
- Content: Two 2-day workshops and a 1-day final session.
- Study time: Approximately 200 hours per 20-credit module.
- Breakdown: 2-3 hours per week on online lectures, presentations, and podcasts; remaining time on readings and assignments.
- Target audience: Individuals already employed in the agri-food sector seeking to update their technical knowledge and communication skills.
- Welsh language: Some modules are available partially or entirely through the medium of Welsh.
- Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarship: The course is eligible for the Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarship 2023 (application deadline: 28th March).
- PGCert: Modules can be taken for continuing professional development or interest, or they can be built towards a Postgraduate Certificate (PGCert). A PGCert can be completed part-time within two years.