Program start date | Application deadline |
2024-09-16 | - |
2024-09-30 | - |
Program Overview
The Grado en Física at Universidad Europea is a comprehensive 4-year program that delves into the fundamentals of physics, specializing in materials, electronics, computation, and data analysis. Through a combination of theoretical and practical teaching methods, students gain a deep understanding of natural phenomena and technologies, preparing them for careers in research, industry, education, and entrepreneurship. The program emphasizes hands-on learning, collaboration, and the development of entrepreneurial skills.
Program Outline
It aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills to apply theoretical physics to real-world projects and practices. The program emphasizes a specialization in materials, electronics, computation, and data analysis, offering students the opportunity to choose from three specializations:
- Computación y análisis de datos (Computation and Data Analysis): This specialization includes innovative courses like Tecnologías Cuánticas (Quantum Technologies).
- Materiales (Materials): This specialization offers practical courses in Física de Tejidos (Physics of Tissues) and Nanotecnología (Nanotechnology) within the Laboratorio de Materiales (Materials Laboratory).
- Electrónica (Electronics): This specialization, the most traditional and versatile in applied physics, provides practical knowledge of electronic instrumentation.
- The program also offers a Título Propio en Astrofísica y Cosmología (Own Title in Astrophysics and Cosmology), a unique opportunity to delve into this fascinating area of physics.
Degree Overview:
The program is taught in Spanish and English, delivered in Villaviciosa de Odón, and spans 4 years with 240 ECTS credits. It is an official degree awarded by Universidad Europea de Madrid.
The program is structured into four years, with each year containing a set of core and optional courses.
Course Schedule:
The program begins on September 16, 2024.
- Fundamentos de Física II (Fundamentals of Physics II): 6 ECTS, Core, Spanish
- Técnicas Experimentales Básicas (Core Experimental Techniques): 6 ECTS, Core, Spanish
- Análisis Matemático II (Mathematical Analysis II): 6 ECTS, Core, Spanish
- Álgebra Lineal y Geometría Analítica (Linear Algebra and Analytical Geometry): 6 ECTS, Core, Spanish
- Variable Compleja (Complex Variables): 6 ECTS, Compulsory, Spanish
- Computación Científica II (Scientific Computing II): 6 ECTS, Compulsory, Spanish
- Mecánica y Ondas II (Mechanics and Waves II): 6 ECTS, Compulsory, Spanish
- Electromagnetismo II (Electromagnetism II): 6 ECTS, Compulsory, Spanish
- Óptica (Optics): 6 ECTS, Compulsory, Spanish
- Termodinámica (Thermodynamics): 6 ECTS, Compulsory, Spanish
- Inglés (English): 6 ECTS, Core, Spanish
- Ecuaciones Diferenciales en la Física (Differential Equations in Physics): 6 ECTS, Compulsory, Spanish
- Electrónica Física (Physical Electronics): 6 ECTS, Compulsory, Spanish
- Física del Estado Sólido (Solid-State Physics): 6 ECTS, Compulsory, Spanish
- Física Estadística (Statistical Physics): 6 ECTS, Compulsory, Spanish
- Proyecto Experimental II (Experimental Project I): 6 ECTS, Compulsory, Spanish
- Física de Materiales (Materials Physics): 6 ECTS, Optional, Spanish
- Técnicas de Caracterización (Characterisation Techniques): 6 ECTS, Optional, Spanish
- Física de Materiales Avanzados (Advanced Materials Physics): 6 ECTS, Optional, Spanish
- Biomateriales y Física de Tejidos (Biomaterials and Physics of Tissues): 6 ECTS, Optional, Spanish
- Introducción a la Nanotecnología (Introduction to Nanotechnology): 6 ECTS, Optional, Spanish
- Procesamiento de la Señal y de la Imagen (Signal and Image Processing): 6 ECTS, Optional, Spanish
- Electrónica Analógica y Digital (Analog and Digital Electronics): 6 ECTS, Optional, Spanish
- Instrumentación Electrónica (Electronic Instrumentation): 6 ECTS, Optional, Spanish
- Sistemas Dinámicos y Realimentación (Dynamic Systems and Feedback): 6 ECTS, Optional, Spanish
- Electrónica de Comunicaciones (Communications Electronics): 6 ECTS, Optional, Spanish
- Bases de Datos (Databases): 6 ECTS, Optional, Spanish
- Minería de Datos (Data Mining): 6 ECTS, Optional, Spanish
- Computación Científica Avanzada (Advanced Scientific Computing): 6 ECTS, Optional, Spanish
- Aplicaciones de Matemática Discreta (Applications of Discrete Mathematics): 6 ECTS, Optional, Spanish
Year 4:
- Física Cuántica II (Quantum Physics II): 6 ECTS, Compulsory, Spanish
- Física Nuclear y de Partículas (Nuclear and Particle Physics): 6 ECTS, Compulsory, Spanish
- Proyecto Experimental III (Experimental Project III): 6 ECTS, Compulsory, Spanish
- Liderazgo Emprendedor (Entrepreneurial Leadership): 6 ECTS, Compulsory, Spanish
- Trabajo Fin de Grado (Final Degree Project): 12 ECTS, Compulsory, Spanish
- Prácticas en Empresa (Internships): 6 ECTS, Compulsory, Spanish
- Fotónica (Photonics): 6 ECTS, Optional, Spanish
- Tecnologías Cuánticas (Quantum Technologies): 6 ECTS, Optional, Spanish
- Ampliación de Prácticas en Empresa (Internship Extension): 6 ECTS, Optional, Spanish
- Introducción a la Relatividad y la Cosmología (Introduction to Relativity and Cosmology): 6 ECTS, Optional, Spanish
- Actividades Universitarias (University Activities): 6 ECTS, Optional, Spanish
Teaching Methods:
The program utilizes a combination of theoretical and practical teaching methods, including lectures, seminars, laboratory work, and project-based learning.
The program boasts a faculty with a high percentage of PhD holders, including experts in various fields like materials science, electronics, computation, and astrophysics.
Unique Approaches:
The program emphasizes hands-on learning through the use of modern facilities, including the Laboratorio de Física (Physics Laboratory), the Laboratorio de Física Cuántica (Quantum Physics Laboratory), and the Laboratorio de Materiales y Fluidos (Materials and Fluids Laboratory). Students also have the opportunity to participate in real-world projects and collaborate with leading institutions in the field of physics.
Potential Career Paths:
Graduates of the Grado en Física are highly sought-after professionals in various industries and research centers. The program prepares students for careers in:
- Research and Development (R&D): Working in public and private research centers, focusing on areas like materials science, electronics, computation, and astrophysics.
- Manufacturing and Innovation: Contributing to the development and production of new materials and technologies.
- Consulting: Providing expertise in areas like energy production, environmental protection, and medical physics.
- Entrepreneurship: Starting their own businesses in science and technology.
The program emphasizes the importance of practical experience and collaboration with leading institutions in the field of physics. Students are encouraged to participate in research projects, internships, and workshops to gain valuable skills and knowledge. The program also highlights the importance of developing entrepreneurial skills and the potential for starting their own businesses in science and technology.