Program Overview
The Master's Degree in Physiotherapy in the Integral Approach to the Pelvic Floor is a 60 ECTS program offered by the Universidad Europea de Madrid. This unique program provides physiotherapists with comprehensive knowledge and skills in pelvic floor physiotherapy, including anatomy, neurophysiology, assessment, and treatment techniques. Graduates can pursue careers in healthcare settings, research, or teaching, preparing them to address the care of lumbosacral-abdomino-pelvic pathologies.
Program Outline
Degree Overview:
The Master's Degree in Physiotherapy in the Integral Approach to the Pelvic Floor is a unique official program in Spain that offers training in pelvic floor physiotherapy with access to a doctorate. It is designed to provide physiotherapists with the knowledge and skills necessary to comprehensively address the care of lumbosacral-abdomino-pelvic pathologies. The program is based on scientific evidence and highlights current research. It is taught in Spanish and is offered in Villaviciosa de Odón, Madrid. The program is 60 ECTS and lasts 10 months. It is offered by the Universidad Europea de Madrid and is a part of the Faculty of Physical Activity and Sports Sciences.
The program is structured into nine modules:
- Module 2: Physiotherapy in Pelvic Floor Dysfunctions: This module covers obstetric physiotherapy, uroandrology, sexual dysfunctions, pediatrics, and coloproctology.
- Module 3: Motor Control and Re-education Techniques: This module covers invasive physiotherapy in pelviperineology, ultrasound, electrotherapy, biofeedback, and electromyography.
- Module 4: Physiotherapy in Advanced Pelviperineology Dysfunctions: This module covers menopause, neurological patients, oncology patients, and chronic pelvic pain.
- Module 6: Pelvic Floor in Sports and Nutrition in Pelviperineology Dysfunctions: This module covers training, nutrition, and motor control.
- Module 7: Research Methodology and Clinical Documentation: This module covers research methodology and clinical documentation.
- Module 8: Practicum: This module involves practical training in external academic settings.
The program features a faculty of leading national and international experts in the field of pelvic floor physiotherapy, including:
- Antonio Meldaña
- Sara Esparza
- Lidia Serra
- José Miguel Amóstegui
- Andrzej Pilat
- Mónica de la Cueva The program also includes lectures by renowned international experts such as Paul Hodges, Diane Lee, and Kari Bø.
Graduates of the program have a high employability rate, finding work in centers during their internships or through job demands with this specific profile. Some graduates have become entrepreneurs, opening their own clinics and expanding their service portfolios. The program prepares graduates for careers in:
- Public and private healthcare settings (pelvic floor and lymphatic drainage units)
- Research
- Teaching
The program includes two mandatory rotations in reference centers specializing in pelvic floor physiotherapy, led by faculty members:
- Clínica CRF-Amostegui, directed by José Miguel Amostegui
- Pelvicus (Hospital San Rafael), unit directed by Antonio Meldaña
- Premium Madrid
- Clínica Conde Duque de Sevilla, directed by Elena Valiente
- Clínica Rozalen, directed by D. Rozalen
- Fisioterapia Alba Puértolas, Pelvic Floor and Pediatrics, directed by Alba Puértolas
- Hospital Santa Cristina
- Hospital Infanta Sofia
- Centro Kiné Fisioterapia
- Unidad de suelo pélvico Ainara Life (Republic Space) The program also offers a variety of resources and services to students, including:
- A library
- A student support center
- Career services
- A suggestion, complaint, and claim mailbox The program is accredited by the SISCAL madri+d system.