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Program Facts
Program Details
Foreign Language | Indigenous Languages
Area of study
Course Language
About Program

Program Overview

With study abroad opportunities, strong Asia region connections, and an e-portfolio for career showcase, graduates are highly employable in fields including foreign affairs, international development, and education. The course welcomes both beginners and experienced learners, providing customizable study pathways and career prospects.

Program Outline

In this course, you’ll develop advanced skills in contemporary Indonesian language, and gain a greater understanding of the political, environmental, and social issues affecting Indonesia and the Asia region. When you graduate, you’ll find your Indonesian language skills are in high demand in a range of areas, particularly roles involving foreign affairs, security, defence, media, international development and education.

  • Students will have the opportunity to study in Indonesia through the Study Indonesia Australian Consortium for 'In-Country' Indonesian Studies (ACICIS).
  • Students will create an e-portfolio of their work to showcase to employers when they graduate.

What you’ll learn

  • Indonesian language: speaking, listening, writing, and reading
  • Indonesian customs and culture
  • Media, culture and politics in Indonesia
  • Asian studies
  • Advanced research in the arts


Total credit points: 24

| Unit code | Unit name | Credit points | |---|---|---| | IND101 | Indonesian 1 | 3 | | IND102 | Indonesian 2 | 3 | | IND201 | Indonesian 3 | 3 | | IND202 | Indonesian 4 | 3 |

| | Specified Elective Units | 12 |

| IND301 | Indonesian 5 | 3 | | IND302 | Indonesian 6 | 3 | | AST102 | Asian Centuries | 3 | | AST281 | Contemporary Asia: Media, Politics and Popular Culture | 3 | | AST384 | Asian Studies Project | 3 | | IND243 | Semester in Indonesia 1 | 12 | | IND244 | Semester in Indonesia 2 | 12 | | ART3041 | In-Country Studies Indonesia | 12 | | ART304 | In-Country Studies Indonesia | 6 |


With a degree in Indonesian, you could pursue a range of opportunities in fields such as teaching, diplomacy, international law and journalism.

Careers could include:

  • Ambassador or Diplomat
  • Interpreter
  • Translator
  • Policy Advisor
  • Travel Specialist
  • Teacher


  • The course is open to beginners as well as those with language competency based on previous study.
  • Students with language competency will be granted exemption (preclusion) from lower level language units and will be placed at the level of study appropriate to their level of competence. Such students would be required to incorporate in-country study or substitute approved units in lieu of precluded language units to satisfy the 24-point major requirement.