Special Case or Interdisciplinary Program (MA, MFA, MSc, PhD)
Program Overview
The Special Case or Interdisciplinary Program at the University of Regina allows students to design a customized graduate degree (Master's or Doctoral) in areas without existing programs. The program provides flexibility for students seeking unique educational experiences and career paths, enabling them to develop specialized knowledge and skills through tailored coursework and research.
Program Outline
Degree Overview:
The Special Case or Interdisciplinary Program (MA, MFA, MSc, PhD) at the University of Regina allows students to pursue a custom-designed master's or doctoral degree in an area of study that does not currently offer a graduate program. This program caters to students seeking a unique and tailored educational experience.
The program aims to:
- Provide students with the opportunity to pursue a graduate degree in an area of study that is not currently offered as a formal program.
- Enable students to develop a deep understanding of their chosen field of study through research and coursework.
- Equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary to pursue a career in their chosen field.
The Special Case program is designed for students who wish to explore a specific area of study that falls outside the scope of existing graduate programs. This program allows students to work closely with faculty advisors to develop a personalized curriculum that meets their individual research interests and career goals.
- Special Case Program: This program allows students to complete a thesis-based Master's degree in an area of study that does not currently offer a graduate program.
- Interdisciplinary Studies Program: This program is designed for students who wish to bridge disciplines and gain an in-depth understanding of research methodologies and perspectives across different fields of study.
- Admission Requirements: Applicants to Special Case Master's programs must hold a four-year undergraduate degree in a discipline related to the proposed program of study, with a minimum GPA of 70 percent. Applicants must also describe their thesis topic, list the names of the professors who have agreed to serve as committee members and supervise the research, and outline the courses to be taken.
- Scholarships and Awards: Students who have been accepted as fully-qualified graduate students with no conditions or holds on their admission are eligible to apply for scholarships, awards, graduate teaching assistant positions, or research assistantships.