Fine Art Painting and Drawing (Top-Up) BA (Hons)
Program Overview
This Fine Art Painting and Drawing (Top-Up) BA (Hons) course offers students an in-depth exploration of painting and drawing practices, with a focus on contemporary approaches. It includes printmaking, critical study, and career development modules. The program culminates in a public exhibition showcasing students' work and preparing them for careers in the arts sector.
Program Outline
This specialist Painting and Drawing degree offers the chance for students to focus on painting and drawing in equal measure or as single disciplines. You will also be introduced to printmaking which can be used both in combination with painting and drawing or as a single discipline. The structure of this Painting & Drawing course is designed to introduce students to a wide variety of new ideas, techniques and processes and to offer them a wide-ranging expansion of the possibilities of both painting and drawing.
The Fine Art Painting and Drawing (Top-Up) BA (Hons) year comprises three modules: the theory module, a career-development module, and the practice based studio art module which is core of the years’ experience. This module culminates with a large public exhibition. Students continue to consolidate, deepen and refine their own personal visual and theoretical position, culminating in a high-quality public exhibition at the end of the year. This is supported by regular individual tutorials and group class. Alongside practical work students undertake a critical study, which includes a dissertation option along with a number of other approaches. The Professional Practice and Employability module continues on from the stage 2 Professional Studies module. Again, the various choices mean our students can select the option, which is of greatest interest and use to them individually (either academically or in terms of employability). Study Trips and Degree Show exhibition Each year we programme study visits to a wide range of locations. Recent visits have included London galleries, Venice Biennale, New York and Berlin. Professional artist Art Therapist Set Designer Arts Management Art Teacher Arts Technician
The practice-based studio art module, which is core of the years’ experience, culminates with a large public exhibition.
2024/25 Tuition Fees Fees quoted relate to study in the Academic Year 24/25 only and may be subject to inflationary increases in future years. UK – Full Time: £9,250 International – Full Time: £16,500 2023/24 Tuition Fees Fees quoted relate to study in the Academic Year 23/24 only and may be subject to inflationary increases in future years. UK – Full Time: £9,250 International – Full Time: £15,500