Program Overview
The Philosophy Ph.D. program at the University of North Texas emphasizes environmental ethics and philosophy, offering specializations in ethics and philosophy. With renowned faculty and research centers, the program encourages interdisciplinary work addressing public concerns and prepares students for careers in academia and beyond. It is home to the leading philosophy journal, Environmental Ethics, and the world's first field station in environmental philosophy.
Program Outline
Degree Overview:
The Philosophy Ph.D. program at the University of North Texas is an internationally recognized program known for its focus on environmental ethics and philosophy. It offers specializations in ethics and philosophy, with faculty expertise in philosophy and public policy, philosophy in science and technology, and religion and ecology. The program encourages both traditional scholarship and more practical, engaged, and collaborative approaches in philosophy, as well as interdisciplinarity and work that addresses public concerns. It houses several research centers, manages various research programs, and publishes the field's leading philosophy journal, Environmental Ethics.
- Students will study with nationally and internationally recognized professors and researchers.
- The program was founded by emeritus professors Eugene C. Hargrove and Pete A.Y. Gunter.
- Faculty members teach courses in:
- Eco-feminism
- Eco-phenomenology
- Environmental aesthetics
- Environmental justice
- Environmental policy
- Environmental justice
- Hinduism and Jainism
- Land ethics
- Philosophy of animals
- Philosophy of biocultural conservation
- Philosophy of ecology
- Philosophy of food
- Philosophy of science and technology
- Philosophy of water
- Religion and ecology
- The program is designed to prepare students for careers both within academia and in non-academic sectors.
- The Department of Philosophy and Religion is a diverse community of international faculty, students, and staff whose commitment to philosophizing the most pressing scientific, political, and social issues of our day takes us to the edge of current research practices while keeping us firmly in touch with the perennial processes of philosophy.
- The program is home to the first journal in the field, Environmental Ethics (founded 1979), and the Center for Environmental Philosophy.
- It is also home to the world's first field station in environmental philosophy, science, and policy at Cape Horn, Chile.
- UNT Philosophy has the country's only research group on the philosophy of impact.
- The program pursues a number of research projects, including the Philosophy of Water Project, The Philosophy of Food Project, and the Philosophy for Children Project.
- UNT welcomes leaders of local non-governmental organizations in these regions to communicative engagements to share their strategies for empowering villagers toward self-reliance, discussing challenges they face, and contributing their insights with specialists working in anthropology and environmental philosophy.
- The Philosophy and Religion Graduate Student Association (PRGSA) is a student organization for graduate students studying Philosophy and Religion at UNT that fosters and strengthens community among philosophy graduate students, presents a shared graduate student voice to the faculty, and creates dialogue between the faculty and graduate students.