Computer Games Development, BSc (Hons)
Program Overview
The BSc (Hons) Computer Games Development program at UCLan equips students with the knowledge and skills necessary for a successful career in the software engineering and games industry. It emphasizes software development for computer games, covering topics such as programming, computer graphics, AI, and effective software development practices. The program combines theoretical knowledge with practical learning, industry-relevant skills, and opportunities for research and industry placements. Graduates are well-prepared for a range of careers in the games and software development industries.
Program Outline
Degree Overview:
This BSc (Hons) Computer Games Development program at UCLan is designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary to pursue a successful career in the software engineering and games industry. The program focuses on software development for computer games, emphasizing practical learning and industry-relevant skills.
- Develop programming expertise using C++, mathematics, and problem-solving techniques.
- Gain a comprehensive understanding of computer graphics, artificial intelligence (AI), game mechanics, and effective software development practices.
- Prepare students for a successful career in software engineering and the games industry.
The program is structured over three years, with a focus on both compulsory and optional modules.
Year 1:
- Games Concepts: This module encourages game analysis, fosters creative thinking in game development, and introduces commercial practices, methods, and technologies for game development.
- Programming: This module develops programming skills, including debugging, software design, and advanced programming techniques. It also examines legal, ethical, and privacy issues related to data collection and emerging technologies.
- Systems Analysis and Database Design: This module focuses on database design and implementation, enhancing programming skills through team-based discussions and explorations.
Year 2:
- Compulsory Modules:
- The Agile Professional: This module develops project leadership skills, exploring Agile methodologies and reinforcing social, professional, ethical, and legal aspects of computing.
- Games Development 1: This module deepens understanding of game-specific algorithms and their application using traditional languages and game-specific tools.
- Software Development: This module covers the phases of software development, including specification, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance.
- Computer Graphics: This module explores algorithms, hardware, and mathematical techniques used in real-time rendering of 2D and 3D graphics.
Year 3:
- Compulsory Modules:
- Honours Degree Project: This module culminates the program with a research-based project involving problem investigation and solution development.
- Games Development 2: This module explores management, development, and implementation techniques and tools used in the modern game industry.
- Artificial Intelligence: This module introduces AI concepts and techniques, exploring their application in computer games and theoretical underpinnings.
- Data Science: This module provides tools for analyzing datasets and visualizing their properties.
The program utilizes a variety of assessment methods, including:
- Individual course assignments
- Group work
- Seminar presentations
- Examinations (seen and unseen) The main contribution to the final honors classification comes from coursework rather than exams.
- The program is taught by enthusiastic and experienced lecturers, many of whom are active and influential in the games industry.
- Teaching methods include lectures, seminars, tutorials, and practical sessions.
- Independent study is an important aspect of the program.
- Practical-based learning is emphasized in laboratories, particularly the high-performance kit in the Games Laboratory.
Graduates of this program are well-prepared for a variety of careers in the software engineering and games industry, including:
- Computer games developers
- Software engineers
- Game designers
- AI developers
- Technical artists Previous students have secured positions at prominent companies such as Capcom, Codemasters, Crytek, EA Games, Evolution, Fuse Games, Jagex, Lionhead, Logistix, Pitbull, Playbox, Protirus, Rare, Rockstar, Ruffian, Steel Monkeys, and Travellers Tales.
- The program offers an optional one-year industrial placement between the second and third years, providing valuable work experience and enhancing employability.
- The program is accredited by the British Computer Society (BCS), meeting the academic requirements for registration as a Chartered IT Professional.
- Students have the opportunity to participate in national and international competitions and research projects.
- The program includes an exciting "Computing Challenge" for first-year students, where they work in teams to design and develop a new app.
- The program provides opportunities to learn about developing distributed software and software for mobile devices, expanding the range of games students can develop.
2024/25 UK Full-time £9,250 per year Sandwich year £1,500 for the sandwich year Part-time £1,540 per 20 credits International Full-time £16,500 per year