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Program Facts
Program Details
Creative Writing
Area of study
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About Program
Program Overview
This 18-credit program provides a foundation in journalism, professional communication, and writing skills. Required courses include Introduction to Journalism, Business Communications or Scientific & Technical Writing, and Modern Grammar or Copy Editing. Students can choose from a range of electives to tailor their studies to their interests and career goals.
Program Outline
- Required Courses:
- ENG 204 Introduction to Journalism (3 credits): This course provides an introduction to the principles and practices of journalism.
- ENG 331 Business Communications (3 credits) or ENG 360 Scientific & Technical Writing (3 credits): These courses focus on effective communication in professional settings.
- ENG 365 Modern Grammar (3 credits) or ENG 420 Copy Editing (3 credits): These courses cover grammar and editing skills essential for professional writing.
- Electives:
- Students must select three courses from the following list:
- ENG 289 Introduction to Professional Writing
- ENG 331 Business Communications
- ENG 351 Writing in Medical & Health Professions
- ENG 360 Scientific & Technical Writing
- ENG 361 Advanced Composition
- ENG 365 Modern Grammar
- ENG 410 Advanced Journalism
- ENG 420 Copy Editing
- ENG 460 Writing and New Media
- ENG 480 Tutoring Writing
- ENG 490 Contemporary Composition Theory and Pedagogy
- ENG 499 Internship
- Total Credits: 18
- Note: Courses cannot double-count.