Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Modern Topics in Petroleum Engineering
Program Overview
The Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Modern Topics in Petroleum Engineering is a 12-credit hour program that provides advanced knowledge in natural gas engineering, directional drilling, data analytics, and shale reservoir engineering. The program requires completion of four three-credit hour courses and is designed for individuals with a bachelor's degree in a related field who seek to enhance their skills in the petroleum engineering industry.
Program Outline
The Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Modern Topics in Petroleum Engineering is a 12 credit hour standalone certificate offered by the Department of Petroleum Engineering, College of Engineering.
The program requires completion of four three-credit hour courses.
- PETE 4089 Natural Gas Engineering (3)
- PETE 4145 Directional Drilling (3)
- PETE 4190 Shale Reservoir Engineering and Evaluation (3) All courses have a required pre-requisite or instructor approval.