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Program Overview

The Bachelor of Arts in Spanish at the University of Kansas equips students with proficiency in Spanish language, cultural competency, and analytical skills. The program emphasizes international careers and working with Hispanic communities in the U.S., offering opportunities for study abroad and Portuguese courses. Graduates are prepared for various careers in fields such as advertising, journalism, and social welfare.

Program Outline

Degree Overview:

The Bachelor of Arts in Spanish at the University of Kansas aims to equip students with proficiency in Spanish language, cultural competency, and analytical skills. This program is designed to be valuable for individuals pursuing international careers or working with Hispanic communities in the U.S.

  • Objectives:
  • Develop effective communication skills in Spanish (oral and written).
  • Cultivate a deep understanding of Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian cultures through literary and cultural studies.
  • Enhance analytical and writing abilities.
  • Foster intercultural sensitivity and awareness.
  • Program Description:
  • The curriculum focuses on honing language skills and exploring Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian cultures through literary and cultural studies.
  • Students have the opportunity to study Portuguese courses that contribute to the Spanish major.
  • The program is tailored to prepare students for various career paths, both internationally and within the U.S., where Hispanic populations are significant.


  • First- and Second-Year Preparation:
  • Required Courses (two courses; one course for heritage speakers):
  • SPAN 323: Spanish Composition and Cultural Analysis OR SPAN 324: Grammar and Composition
  • SPAN 328: Intermediate Spanish Conversation (can be substituted with SPAN 325 for qualified students)
  • Recommended Grade: A grade of B- or higher is strongly recommended for advanced Spanish classes.
  • Degree Requirements:
  • Core Knowledge and Skills:
  • Literature: At least one course (3 hours) in each of the following areas:
  • Peninsular Spanish Literary and Cultural Studies: SPAN 440, SPAN 441, SPAN 443, SPAN 450, SPAN 451, SPAN 452, SPAN 453
  • Latin American Literary and Cultural Studies: SPAN 440, SPAN 442, SPAN 444, SPAN 460, SPAN 462, SPAN 463, SPAN 464
  • Language:
  • Advanced Spanish Composition and Grammar: SPAN 424
  • Advanced Spanish language or linguistics: SPAN 429, SPAN 448, SPAN 520, SPAN 522, SPAN 570
  • Advanced language, linguistics, or Portuguese: SPAN 520, SPAN 522, SPAN 570, PORT 212, PORT 216, PORT 220, PORT 340, PORT 347, PORT 348, PORT 365, PORT 388, PORT 394, PORT 471, PORT 475, PORT 490, PORT 540, PORT 547, PORT 548, PORT 565
  • Advanced Conversation: SPAN 428
  • Required Electives:
  • Two additional courses (6 hours) from any Spanish 400+ or 500-level course (literature, language or culture), or PORT 212 or higher (excluding PORT 300, PORT 346, and PORT 611).
  • Capstone Course: One (3 hour) capstone course in literature: SPAN 540, SPAN 550, SPAN 560
  • Study Abroad:
  • Highly encouraged; consult advisor for available opportunities.
  • Hour and GPA Requirements:
  • Major Hours: 32 hours of major courses.
  • Major Hours in Residence: Minimum of 15 hours of KU resident credit in the major.
  • Major Junior/Senior Hours: Minimum of 12 hours from junior/senior courses (300+) in the major.
  • Major Junior/Senior Graduation GPA: Minimum of a 2.0 KU GPA in junior/senior courses (300+).
  • Sample 4-Year Plan:
  • Provides a semester-by-semester breakdown of potential courses for each year of study.


  • Potential Career Paths:
  • Advertising
  • Marketing
  • Journalism
  • Health services
  • Government
  • Social welfare
  • Public administration
  • International careers (emphasized)
  • Opportunities and Outcomes:
  • The Spanish major demonstrates communication skills in Spanish, cultural competency, and analytical abilities, making graduates competitive for various careers.
  • The University Career Center provides additional information on relevant career paths.


  • Departmental Honors:
  • Students can apply for honors by consulting their advisor and submitting a declaration of intent.
  • Requirements include a minimum GPA of 3.5 in Spanish, completing 6 hours in SPAN 496 (Honors in Spanish), and writing two honors papers.
  • SPAN 496 can be fulfilled by:
  • Graduate courses at the 700 level.
  • Upper-division literature courses at the 500 level (including SPAN 540, SPAN 550, and SPAN 560).
  • Independent study course (once for SPAN 496 credit).
  • Study Abroad:
  • The department offers summer programs in Barcelona, Spain; Buenos Aires, Argentina; and Salvador (Bahia), Brazil.
  • KU offers semester/academic year programs in San José, Costa Rica, Buenos Aires, Argentina, and Salamanca, Spain.
  • Graduate students can teach and conduct research during summer sessions in Buenos Aires or Barcelona.
  • The department has a graduate exchange agreement with the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain.