Program start date | Application deadline |
2025-09-01 | - |
Program Overview
The Welsh and Politics (BA) program at Cardiff University is a three-year full-time degree that combines studies in Welsh language and literature with political science. The program offers a wide range of modules in both disciplines, and students can choose to specialize in either Welsh or Politics. The program also includes a period of work experience in a workplace where Welsh is used daily.
Program Outline
- Structure: The program is a three-year full-time degree, consisting of 120 credits per year. The curriculum includes modules in both Welsh and Politics.
- Modules:
- Year One:
- Welsh: Iaith ac Ystyr, Awdur, Testun a Darllenydd, Y Gymraeg yn y Gymru Gyfoes.
- Politics: Y Da, Drwg a'r Gwleidyddol, Introduction to Political Science, Introduction to International Relations, Introduction to Political Thought, Introduction to Government.
- Year Two:
- Welsh: Yr Iaith ar Waith, Cymraeg Proffesiynol, Dafydd ap Gwilym a'i Gyfnod, Llenyddiaeth Plant, Theori a Beirniadaeth Lenyddol, Ysgrifennu Creadigol, Bywydau Llên, Tafodieitheg, Enwau'r Cymry, Sosioieithyddiaeth.
- Politics: International Relations of the Cold War, Digital Technologies and Global Politics, Global Governance, EU Politics, From Espionage to Counter-Terrorism: Intelligence in Contemporary Politics, Modern Welsh Politics, Modern Political Thought: Machiavelli to Mill, Damcaniaethu a Dadfeilio'r Gymdeithas Gyfalafol, The Barbarians are Coming! : Cross-cultural Political Theories, Ideas and Ideology in British Politics, Animals, Air, and Areas beyond national jurisdiction - The Politics of Global Environmental Regimes, Governing Modern Britain, Personality, prejudice, and polarisation: Political Psychology, Critical Approaches to Middle East Politics, Data Science for Politics and International Relations, Revolutionising the Political Order: British Social Theory in the Eighteenth Century, Doing Political Research, Elections in the UK, Gender, Sex and Death in Global Politics, Credoau'r Cymry, British Politics since 1945, International Security: Concepts and Issues, Global Justice, International Law in a Changing World.
- Year Three:
- Welsh: Blas ar Ymchwil, Ymchwilio Estynedig, Dafydd ap Gwilym a'i Gyfnod, Llenyddiaeth Plant, Theori a Beirniadaeth Lenyddol, Ysgrifennu Creadigol, Bywydau Llên, Tafodieitheg, Enwau'r Cymry, Sosioieithyddiaeth, Yr Ystafell Ddosbarth, Cyfieithu Proffesiynol.
- Politics: The History of Thought in International Relations, International Politics in the Nuclear Age, Africa in International Thought and Practice: Colonialism, Anticolonialism, Postcolonialism, Bombs, Bullets and Ballot-boxes: the Northern Ireland Conflict, 1969 to 1998, Political Economy: Rationality in an Irrational World?, Popular Culture and World Politics, War and Society, Justice, Legitimacy and International Law, Latin American Politics, Sex, Drugs and Public Policy, Visual Global Politics, Politics in Practice: Work Placement Module, Be the Change: Governing without the State, The Politics of Populism in Europe, Governing Global Public Health: Viral Pandemics, and the Global Drugs 'Epidemic', Anglo-American relations and Cold War defence, China in the World, Strategy in Theory and Practice, The Political Economy of Wales: From Coal to Covid-19, Economi Wleidyddol Cymru, The End of the World as We Know It, After the West: IR 2.0, US Government and Politics, Cyfiawnder Byd-eang, Cenedlaetholdeb, Crefydd a Chyfiawnder, Parliamentary Studies Module, International Relations Dissertation, Politics Dissertation, Global International Organisation in World Politics, Personality and Power.
- Essays
- Examinations
- Presentations
- Portfolios
- Creative assignments
- Oral feedback
- Personalized feedback on written work
- Feedback in lectures and seminars
- Generic written feedback
- Feedback on tutorial performance
- General feedback in relation to examinations
- Monitored student self-assessment scheme
- Lectures
- Seminars
- Tutorials
- Workshops
- Language classes
- Reading week for guided study
- Multimedia material, presentations, lecture handouts, bibliographies, further links, electronic exercises and discussion circles
- Dedicated essay workshops and individual advice
- Careers Service
- Counselling Service
- Disability and Dyslexia Service
- Student Support Service
- Libraries and resource centers
- Public Service Ombudsman for Wales
- Department for Education
- Oxford City Council
- UK Border Agency
- Political parties
- Management training opportunities within Ernst & Young, Enterprise Rent A Car, Zurich Insurance and King Worldwide.
- Up to 78% of this course is available through the medium of Welsh.
- The program includes a period of work experience in a workplace where Welsh is used daily.
We are currently awaiting confirmation on tuition fees for the 2025/26 academic year. The University reserves the right to increase tuition fees in the second and subsequent years of a course as permitted by law or Welsh Government policy. Where applicable we will notify you of any change in tuition fee by the end of June in the academic year before the one in which the fee will increase.