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Program Facts
Program Details
Acting | Music | Dance
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About Program

Program Overview

The B.F.A. in Theatre Arts with a Musical Theatre Concentration is a pre-professional program that prepares students for careers in the performing arts. The program focuses on developing students' performance and technical skills in musical theatre, with an emphasis on singing, acting, and dancing. Students participate in productions throughout their studies, gaining valuable experience in performance and collaboration. Upon graduation, students can pursue careers as actors, singers, dancers, choreographers, musical directors, stage managers, and theatre educators.

Program Outline

Degree Overview:


The B.F.A. in Theatre Arts with a Musical Theatre Concentration is a pre-professional training program designed to prepare students for careers in the performing arts. The program focuses on developing students' performance and technical skills in musical theatre, with an emphasis on singing, acting, and dancing.


The B.F.A. in Theatre Arts with a Musical Theatre Concentration aims to:

  • Equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary for success in professional musical theatre.
  • Provide students with a comprehensive foundation in the art of musical theatre, covering areas such as performance, history, theory, and practice.
  • Foster creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking in students.
  • Prepare students for further studies or professional careers in musical theatre.


The B.F.A. in Theatre Arts with a Musical Theatre Concentration is a rigorous program that requires students to take a variety of courses in performance, voice, dance, and theatre history. Students also participate in productions throughout their studies, gaining valuable experience in performance and collaboration.


Program Content:

  • Performance: This area includes courses in acting, singing, and dance.
  • Students learn the fundamentals of performance, develop their skills, and explore different performance techniques.
  • Voice: This area includes courses in vocal technique, musicality, and performance.
  • Dance: This area includes courses in ballet, jazz, tap, and modern dance.
  • Students learn the fundamentals of dance technique, develop their skills, and explore different styles of dance.
  • Theatre History: This area includes courses in the history of theatre, including Western and non-Western theatre traditions.

Program Structure:

  • The B.F.A.
  • in Theatre Arts with a Musical Theatre Concentration is a full-time program that typically takes four years to complete.
  • Students take a variety of courses in performance, voice, dance, and theatre history, as well as general education and elective courses.
  • Students participate in productions throughout their studies, both as performers and as technicians.
  • The program culminates in a senior project, which is typically a full-length musical theatre production.

Course Schedule:

  • The specific courses offered in the program vary from semester to semester.
  • However, students typically take a combination of performance, voice, dance, and theatre history courses each semester.
  • Students also take general education courses, such as English, math, history, and science.
  • Students may also choose to take elective courses in other areas, such as music or business.

Individual Modules:

  • Performance: Acting, Vocal Acting, Improvisation, Stage Combat.
  • Voice: Vocal Technique, Musical Theatre Singing, Diction, Vocal Health.
  • Dance: Ballet, Jazz, Tap, Modern, Choreography.
  • Theatre History: Introduction to Theatre, History of Western Theatre, History of Musical Theatre, Non-Western Theatre.


Assessment Methods:

  • Students are assessed through a variety of methods, including performances, projects, papers, and exams.
  • However, students are generally assessed on their:
  • Performance skills: ability to embody a character, project their voice, and move effectively on stage.
  • Technical skills: ability to sing accurately, dance with precision, and use their voice and body expressively.
  • Knowledge and understanding: ability to understand and apply the concepts covered in the course.
  • Creativity: ability to generate original ideas and solutions.


Teaching Methods:

  • The program uses a variety of teaching methods, including:
  • Lecture: Faculty present information and concepts to students in a large group setting.
  • Studio work: Students participate in hands-on activities and exercises under the guidance of faculty.
  • Performance: Students perform in front of their peers and faculty, receiving feedback and guidance.
  • Collaboration: Students work together to create and perform projects.


  • The program is taught by a team of experienced faculty who are active professionals in the field of musical theatre.
  • A strong emphasis on performance: Students participate in productions throughout their studies, gaining valuable experience in the performing arts.
  • A focus on individual attention: Students receive individual attention from faculty members, who provide personalized feedback and指導.
  • A collaborative learning environment: Students work together to create and perform projects, fostering creativity and teamwork.


Career Paths:

  • Upon graduation, students with a B.F.A.
  • in Theatre Arts with a Musical Theatre Concentration can pursue careers as:
  • Actors
  • Singers
  • Dancers
  • Choreographers
  • Musical Directors
  • Stage Managers
  • Theatre Educators

Career Opportunities:

  • The program prepares graduates for a variety of career opportunities in the performing arts, including:
  • Performing in professional musical theatre productions
  • Teaching musical theatre in schools and studios
  • Directing and choreographing musical theatre productions
  • Working backstage in technical roles


  • The program offers students a variety of opportunities to gain experience in the field, including:
  • Performing in productions
  • Participating in workshops and masterclasses
  • Working as interns with professional theatre companies
  • The program also provides students with access to state-of-the-art facilities, including a dedicated musical theatre studio and a black box theatre.