Kinesiology and Wellness Emphasis (AA Degree A8986)
Program Overview
The Kinesiology and Wellness program at this institution offers a comprehensive understanding of human movement, health promotion, and the mechanics of the body. Students can choose from a variety of courses in kinesiology, scientific and nutrition backgrounds, and behavioral development and diversity. The program prepares students for transfer or careers in the field of human movement and wellness.
Program Outline
Degree Overview:
An emphasis in Kinesiology and Wellness provides the student with an understanding of kinesiology, health promotion, and the mechanics of human bodily movement. In addition to the foundational physical education and movement courses, students select courses from a scientific and nutrition and behavioral development and diversity cluster.
- Have an understanding of kinesiology, health promotion, and the mechanics of human bodily movement.
- Have an understanding of Anatomy, Nutrition as well as Behavior Development as it applies to Kinesiology.
- Be able to demonstrate competence in several activities.
- Be provided with an opportunity to prepare for transfer or a career in the field of human movement and wellness.
- Be able to examine personal health-related behavioral patterns, select goals, and formulate appropriate health and fitness strategies.
This degree requires the completion of General Education coursework plus the following:
- Required Courses:
- Cluster 1: Kinesiology, Movement, and Dance (6-8 Units):
- DN-T 18 Introduction to Dance
- DN-T 20 History and Appreciation of Dance
- KIN 3 First Aid and CPR or KIN 5 Advanced First Aid/CPR/Emergency Response
- KIN 13 Sports Officiating
- KIN 17 Introduction to Kinesiology
- KIN 19 Introduction to Care/Prevention of Activity/Sports-Related Injuries
- KIN 24 Applied Kinesiology
- KIN 34 Fitness for Living
- KIN 38 Physiology of Exercise for Fitness
- KIN 39 Techniques of Fitness Testing
- KIN 40 Techniques of Strength Training and Conditioning
- BIOL 1 General Biology
- BIOL 4 Biology for Majors or BIOL 4H Biology for Majors - Honors
- BIOL 5 Contemporary Health Issues
- BIOL 13 Human Reproduction, Development and Aging
- CHEM 10 Chemistry for Allied Health Majors
- CHEM 40 Introduction to General Chemistry
- CHEM 50 General Chemistry I or CHEM 50H General Chemistry I - Honors
- MICR 1 Principles of Microbiology
- MICR 22 Microbiology
- NF 10 Nutrition for Health and Wellness or NF 12 Sports Nutrition
- NF 25 Introduction to Nutrition Science or NF 25H Introduction to Nutrition Science - Honors
- PHYS 1 Physics
- PHYS 2AG General Physics
- PSYC 1B Biological Psychology
- Cluster 3: Behavioral Development and Diversity (3-4 Units):
- ANTH 5 Cultural Anthropology or ANTH 5H Cultural Anthropology - Honors
- CHLD 1 Child, Family, School and Community
- CHLD 10 Child Growth and Lifespan Development or CHLD 10H Child Growth and Lifespan Development - Honors
- CHLD 11 Child and Adolescent Development
- COUN 2 College Success Strategies
- COUN 5 Career and Life Planning
- PSYC 1A Introduction to Psychology or PSYC 1AH Introduction to Psychology - Honors
- PSYC 3 Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology or PSYC 3H Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology - Honors
- PSYC 14 Developmental Psychology or PSYC 14H Developmental Psychology - Honors
- PSYC 15 Introduction to Child Psychology
- PSYC 26 Psychology of Sexuality
- PSYC 33 Psychology for Effective Living
- SOC 1 Introduction to Sociology or SOC 1H Introduction to Sociology - Honors
- SOC 2 Contemporary Social Problems or SOC 2H Contemporary Social Problems - Honors
- SOC 15 Child Development
- SOC 20 Introduction to Race and Ethnicity or SOC 20H Introduction to Race and Ethnicity - Honors
- Required Electives (1-6 Units):
- Activity Courses (Choose a minimum of two courses from the following. These units count towards the 18 required for the degree):
- DNCE 1 Ballet Fundamentals or DNCE 2A Ballet I or DNCE 2B Ballet II or DNCE 3 Ballet Performance
- DNCE 4 Choreography
- DNCE 8 Latin Dance I
- DN-T 9 Dance Audition Techniques
- DNCE 10 Modern Fundamentals
- DNCE 11A Social Dance Forms I or DNCE 11B Social Dance Forms II
- DNCE 12A Modern I or DNCE 12B Modern II or DNCE 13 Modern Performance
- DNCE 14A Jazz I or DNCE 14B Jazz II or DNCE 15 Jazz Performance or DNCE 17 Jazz Fundamentals
- DNCE 18A Tap I or DNCE 18B Tap II or DNCE 19 Tap Performance
- DNCE 28 Theater Dance I or DNCE 29 Theater Dance II
- DNCE 30 Contemporary Dance
- DNCE 31 Classical Dance
- DNCE 32 Commercial Dance
- DNCE 33 Improvisation
- DNCE 36 Commercial Dance II
- DNCE 39 Pilates Fundamentals or DNCE 41 Pilates I or DNCE 42 Pilates II or DNCE 43 Pilates III
- DNCE 40 Conditioning Through Dance
- KINF 10A Weight Training - Beginning or KINF 10B Weight Training - Intermediate
- KINF 19 Strength Training
- KINF 25 Core Performance and Foundation Movement
- KINF 34A Cardiorespiratory Training Beginning or KINF 34B Cardiorespiratory Training Intermediate
- KINF 36A Circuit Training Beginning or KINF 36B Circuit Training Intermediate
- KINF 38A Aerobics - Beginning or KINF 38B Aerobics - Intermediate
- KINI 4A Badminton - Beginning or KINI 4B Badminton - Intermediate or KINI 4C Badminton - Advanced
- KINI 18A Golf - Beginning or KINI 18B Golf - Intermediate or KINI 18C Golf - Advanced
- KINI 25 Mixed Martial Arts
- KINI 27A Jeet Kune Do - Beginning or KINI 27B Jeet Kune Do - Intermediate
- KINI 29 Self Defense and Martial Arts
- KINI 30A Filipino Martial Arts - Beginning or KINI 30B Filipino Martial Arts - Intermediate
- KINI 33A Kickboxing Beginning or KINI 33B Kickboxing Intermediate
- KINI 34 Women's Self Defense
- KINI 37A Tai Chi Chuan - Beginning or KINI 37B Tai Chi Chuan - Intermediate or KINI 37C Tai Chi Chuan - Advanced
- KINI 40A Tennis - Beginning or KINI 40B Tennis - Intermediate or KINI 40C Tennis - Advanced
- KINI 50A Yoga or KINI 50B Yoga - Intermediate
- KINL 2 Physical Fitness for the Physically Limited
- KINL 18 Weight Training for the Physically Limited
- KINS 2A Basketball Beginning or KINS 2B Basketball Intermediate
- KINS 10A Beginning Soccer or KINS 10B Soccer Intermediate
- KINS 12A Beginning Baseball or KINS 12B Intermediate Baseball
- KINS 16A Co-Ed Slow Pitch Softball or KINS 16B Co-Ed Slow Pitch Softball Intermediate
- KINS 24A Volleyball - Beginning or KINS 24B Volleyball - Intermediate or KINS 24C Volleyball - Advanced
- KINS 26A Beach Volleyball - Beginning or KINS 26B Beach Volleyball - Intermediate
- KINX 88 Pre-Season Athletics
- KINX 99 Off-Season Athletics
- Must complete at least 18 units from clusters 1 – 3 including activity courses.
- For Area of Emphasis
- Total Units 18
- This degree provides students with an opportunity to prepare for transfer or a career in the field of human movement and wellness.
- This program is offered through the Kinesiology, Athletics, and Dance Division.
- A counselor can help you create an individualized Mountie Academic Plan (MAP) specific to your goals and needs.
- Review Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) for this program.
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