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Program Facts
Program Details
Latin American Studies | Travel & Tourism | Spanish | International Law | Journalism
Area of study
Arts | Langauges
International Relations and Affairs | Latin American History | Latin American and Caribbean Studies | Portuguese Language and Literature | Spanish Language and Literature
Course Language
About Program

Program Overview

Students can pursue a minor or extended minor, and the program emphasizes Spanish language competency and cultural expertise. Graduates are prepared for diverse career opportunities in fields such as travel and tourism, journalism, and international law. The program also offers study abroad, study tours, and internship opportunities to enhance students' cultural immersion and global perspectives.

Program Outline

Degree Overview:

  • Program: Bachelor of Arts with a minor or extended minor in Latin American Studies
  • School: University of the Fraser Valley (UFV)
  • Faculty: School of Culture, Media, and Society
  • Approach: Interdisciplinary, focusing on language, history, culture, global development, and geography.
  • Objective: Equip students with Spanish language competency and broad cultural expertise for diverse career opportunities.


  • Coursework: The program offers a variety of courses in areas like Spanish language, Latin American history, culture, global development, and geography.
  • Structure: Students can choose either a minor (18 credits) or an extended minor (36 credits) in Latin American Studies.


  • Career paths: Graduates can pursue careers in various fields like travel and tourism, journalism, diplomatic relations, public service, education, international law, sustainable development, social work, business, and international trade.
  • Opportunities: The program aims to prepare students for diverse opportunities in a global marketplace, leveraging their Spanish language proficiency and cultural expertise.


  • Study abroad: Students have the option to study abroad for a term at one of UFV's partner institutions in Latin America.
  • Study tours: UFV offers faculty-led study tours to Latin America, providing immersive cultural and historical experiences.
  • Internships: International internship opportunities are available for students to gain work experience and cultural immersion.
  • Language competency: The program emphasizes achieving competency in Spanish.
  • Combining majors: Students can combine their Latin American Studies minor/extended minor with a major in various disciplines like Economics, Geography, Global Development Studies, History, Peace and Conflict Studies, or Political Science for enhanced career prospects.