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Program Facts
Program Details
Biology | Zoology
Area of study
Natural Science
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About Program

Program Overview

Holy Cross College's Biology Degree offers a comprehensive understanding of biological principles, from the microscopic to the global level. Students can customize their studies through majors, minors, and tracks, while gaining hands-on experience through internships and research. The program prepares graduates for careers in biological sciences, including graduate studies and immediate employment.

Program Outline

Biology Degree at Holy Cross College: A Detailed Breakdown

Degree Overview:

  • Focus: The program provides a comprehensive understanding of the principles of biology, encompassing areas from the microscopic level to the global biosphere.
  • Objectives: Equips students with the knowledge and skills necessary to pursue careers in the biological sciences, including graduate studies or immediate employment.
  • Approach: An evolutionary perspective underpins the curriculum, explaining the unity and diversity of life.
  • Customization: Students can tailor their studies to specific interests and career goals by selecting from a range of courses.
  • Experiential Learning: 100% of students participate in internships and are encouraged to engage in undergraduate research, leveraging resources from the tri-campus community.
  • Curricular Tracks: Opportunities exist for students to declare tracks in physical therapy, public health, exercise science, and neuroscience, indicating professional direction and focusing course selection.


  • Core Curriculum: Provides a foundation in fundamental biological concepts through courses covering topics such as cell biology, genetics, ecology, and evolution.
  • Majors and Minors: Students can choose from a diverse range of majors and minors, allowing them to specialize in specific areas of biology or complement their major with studies in other disciplines.
  • Calendar, Catalog, and Schedule: The college provides resources for students to access course schedules, academic calendars, and program catalogs for detailed information on the structure and content of the program.
  • Study Abroad: Offers opportunities for students to expand their horizons and gain international experience through study abroad programs.
  • McKenna Library: Provides access to a wealth of resources, including scientific journals, databases, and research materials.
  • Academic Support: Offers programs and services to assist students in their academic journey, including tutoring, writing centers, and academic advising.
  • Moreau College Initiative: This initiative provides collaborative opportunities with the University of Notre Dame and Saint Mary's College, allowing students to access additional courses and research opportunities.


  • Methods: The program utilizes a variety of assessment methods, including exams, quizzes, assignments, presentations, and research projects.
  • Criteria: Evaluation focuses on students' understanding of biological concepts, their ability to apply knowledge to real-world situations, and their critical thinking skills.


  • Methods: Employing a variety of teaching methods, including lectures, discussions, laboratory work, field trips, and simulations, to cater to diverse learning styles.
  • Faculty: Dedicated and experienced faculty members provide mentorship, guidance, and research opportunities for students.
  • Unique Approaches: The program emphasizes hands-on learning experiences, research opportunities, and collaborative projects to enhance student engagement and understanding.


  • Career Paths: Graduates pursue careers in various fields, including research, healthcare, education, environmental science, and government agencies.
  • Opportunities: The program prepares students for graduate studies, professional schools, and entry-level positions in various biological fields.
  • Outcomes: The program boasts a successful track record of graduates securing employment or melanjutkan to further studies in prestigious institutions.


  • Community Service: 100% of students participate in community service before graduation, fostering a sense of social responsibility and engagement.
  • Internships: 100% of students gain valuable real-world experience through internships in various organizations and companies.
  • Research Opportunities: Students are encouraged to participate in research projects, allowing them to contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge.