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Tuition Fee
GBP 28,800
Per year
Start Date
Medium of studying
36 months
Program Facts
Program Details
Area of study
Natural Science
Full time
Course Language
Tuition Fee
Average International Tuition Fee
GBP 28,800
Program start dateApplication deadline
About Program

Program Overview

The BSc (Hons) Physics with Philosophy program at the University of York combines rigorous physics study with extensive philosophical exploration. It equips students with a deep understanding of physics, expertise in philosophical discourse, and the ability to apply both disciplines to real-world problems. Graduates are highly sought after in various sectors, including physics research, engineering, finance, and software development.

Program Outline

BSc (Hons) Physics with Philosophy at the University of York: A Detailed Program Extract

Degree Overview:

This unique program combines rigorous study in physics with extensive exploration into philosophical theories and methodologies. It aims to equip students with:

  • A thorough understanding of physics, from fundamental principles to advanced applications.
  • Expertise in philosophical discourse, analytical reasoning, and the examination of fundamental truths.
  • The ability to apply both physics and philosophy to critically analyze real-world problems and communicate complex ideas effectively.
  • Skills in original research, fostering innovative thinking, and tackling intellectual challenges in both disciplines.
  • This program fosters a dynamic learning environment, where students engage actively with leading academic researchers in both physics and philosophy. Participants benefit from:
  • An atmosphere of intellectual stimulation and rigorous exploration
  • A personalized approach with mentorship from dedicated academic supervisors
  • Opportunities to participate in cutting-edge research projects under expert guidance
  • A strong foundation for postgraduate studies or diverse career paths.


Year 1

  • Lays the groundwork for advanced studies:
  • Core modules include classical/quantum waves, knowledge & perception, mathematical computational skills.
  • Introduction to critical thinking in philosophy through modules like reasoning & argument.
  • Additional online module covering academic integrity

Year 2

  • Deeper exploration into core themes:
  • Advanced physics studies in thermodynamics, electromagnetism, mathematics & statistics.
  • Exploration in philosophical themes like science & philosophy through dedicated module.
  • Opt for one from a diverse range of philosophy options like ethics, metaphysics, politics, or history of philosophy.

Year 3

  • Integration of knowledge gained throughout program:
  • Conduct original research through BSc research project under close supervision with potential to contribute meaningfully to scientific understanding.
  • Further delve into philosophical concepts through various options covering specialized philosophical areas or interdisciplinary connections
  • Complete the mandatory Philosophy of Physics module, combining expertise from both fields.
  • Throughout the program students complete modules from both disciplines, building knowledge progressively.


  • A blended approach employing various assessment methods across the three years:
  • Exam-based evaluations
  • Regular assessment through problem exercises and lab work
  • Written coursework assignments including formal reports and project reports
  • Completion of a major individual research project & dissertation with oral examination
  • This balanced approach aims to test and develop different skillsets, ensuring a comprehensive evaluation of student understanding and intellectual growth. Additionally, consistent feedback opportunities allow for continuous improvement with the support of dedicated tutors.


  • Emphasis on active participation in a stimulating intellectual environment:
  • Lectures featuring leading academic researchers sharing research-informed insights and cutting-edge developments in their respective fields.
  • Interactive small group sessions for in-depth discussions surrounding course material, extending into broader societal and ethical implications.
  • Regular engagement with dedicated personal academic supervisors for individual guidance, academic progress monitoring, and general well-being support.
  • The program fosters an open door culture, where students are encouraged to actively approach tutors for individual discussions and personalized clarification.


Graduates of this program are highly sought after in various sectors due to the well-developed skillsets & ability to think critically and problem-solve creatively:

  • Physics-related careers such as researcher, engineer, physicist across industry & academia are potential outcomes.
  • Employment prospects in non-physics areas like finance, software development, and IT sectors are open due to acquired analytical & problem-solving skills.
  • Opportunities for further academic careers exist with graduates frequently pursuing postgraduate degrees in diverse research-intensive settings.
  • The White Rose Industrial Physics Academy offers dedicated resources & facilitates student-industry collaborative projects to enhance employability further.
  • This diverse pool of opportunities underscores the program's effectiveness in preparing individuals for both immediate post-graduate roles and the pursuit of further academic advancements.


  • This program integrates seamlessly with the department's International Foundation Programme, facilitating progression of students from foundation study to the undergraduate degree.
  • The York-led White Rose Industrial Physics Academy fosters direct collaboration opportunities between students & various industries & organizations.
  • The Physics lab virtual tour provides an interactive exploration of the department's advanced infrastructure and state-of-the-art research facilities.

Overall, the Physics with Philosophy at the University of York offers a unique blend of the rigor of physics, the breadth of philosophical inquiry, and an exceptional research-intensive environment fostering both independent investigation and collaborative opportunities

Tuition Fees and Payment Information:

UK (home) fees: £9,250 per year International and EU fees: £28,800 per year