Graduate Diploma of Healthcare in Remote and Extreme Environments
Program Overview
The Graduate Diploma of Healthcare in Remote and Extreme Environments equips students with the knowledge and skills to provide healthcare in challenging environments. The program covers topics such as medicine in extreme environments, expedition medicine, and practical skills for remote healthcare. It is delivered online and on-campus, with the on-campus component taking place at the University of Tasmania's Launceston campus.
Program Outline
The Graduate Diploma of Healthcare in Remote and Extreme Environments is a postgraduate program that provides students with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide healthcare in remote and extreme environments. The program consists of seven core units and five elective units. The core units are:
- Operational Aspects of Healthcare in Remote and Extreme Environments
- Medicine in Extreme Environments
- Expedition Medicine
- Advanced Clinical Reasoning in Out of Hospital Practice
- Practical Skills for Remote Health Care
- Humans in Space
- Extreme Sports Medicine The elective units are:
- Medical Care on Offshore and Inland Waters
- Health Research Methods
- Human Behaviour in Extreme Environments The program is delivered online and on-campus. The on-campus component of the program is delivered at the University of Tasmania's Launceston campus.