Program Overview
The Doctor of Philosophy by Prior Publication requires candidates to submit a thesis composed of their own published research, demonstrating a cohesive body of knowledge. The publications must have been published within six years of submission and must have the candidate as the primary author. The thesis is subject to examination and must conform to university guidelines.
Program Outline
The Doctor of Philosophy by Prior Publication requires publications for inclusion in the thesis having the candidate as the primary author, and (with few exceptions) have been published within six years immediately preceding the request to submit. These publications must form a cohesive body of knowledge arising from a program of research. Where publications have multiple co-authors, publications must be accompanied by a statement of co-authorship that clearly shows the candidate was the major contributor to the work. All research projects referred to in the publications must have been approved by the relevant University of Tasmania Committee/s responsible for ensuring research integrity and ethics. The thesis or exegesis will conform in length, format, and structure as defined in the Guidelines for Incorporating Publications into a Higher Degree by Research Thesis. The thesis will be subject to normal examination processes as per the Higher Degree by Research Thesis Preparation, Submission, and Examination Policy.