B.S. in Health and Physical Education - Teacher Certification
Program Overview
This Bachelor of Science program in Health and Physical Education prepares students to become certified K-12 health and physical education teachers. The program includes coursework in motor development, fitness and wellness, curriculum and instruction, and adapted physical education. Graduates will be equipped to teach in diverse school settings and promote healthy lifestyles among students.
Program Outline
This Bachelor of Science program in Health and Physical Education prepares students to become certified K-12 health and physical education teachers.
Course Schedule:
Year One
- HPE 108: Introduction to School Wellness Education
- HPE 186: Motor Development and Motor Learning
- WRT 120/123: Effective Writing I/Effective Writing with Supplemental Writing Workshop
- FYE 100X: First Year Experience Spring:
- HPE 102: Adventure and Contemporary Activities
- HPE 140: Aquatic Fundamentals/Emergency Water Safety
- KIN 254: Disability Studies: An Interdisciplinary Introduction
- MAT 103: Introduction to Mathematics (OR HIGHER)
- WRT 2XX: 200-Level WRT Course
Year Two
- HPE 104: Fitness and Wellness I
- HPE 202: Invasion Games
- EXS 241: Body Systems and Applied Anatomy I
- LIT 165: Topics in Literature
- MAT 104: Introduction to Applied Mathematics (OR HIGHER)
- PSY 100: Introduction to Psychology Spring:
- HPE 105: Fitness and Wellness II
- HPE 201: Developmental Gymnastics and Dance
- HPE 205: Curriculum and Instruction: Inclusion in Health & Physical Education
- HPE 206: Adapted PE & Health for Students with Disabilities
- EXS 361: Body Systems and Applied Anatomy II
Year Three
- HPE 300: Curriculum and Instruction Elementary PE
- HEA 304: Family Life and Sex Education
- EDP 250: Educational Psychology
- EDF 300: Democracy and Education
- Arts Gen Ed Spring:
- HPE 203: Net and Wall Games
- HPE 304: Secondary School Wellness Education
- HPE 305: Pedagogy and Critical Issues in Urban School Wellness Education
- NTD 300: Nutrition Pedagogy
- HEA 316: ATOD Prevention Education
Year Four
- HPE 403: School Wellness Education Practicum
- ENG 382: Teaching English Language Learners PK-12 Spring:
- HPE 489: Student Teaching - Elementary
- HPE 490: Student Teaching - Secondary
Graduates of this program will be equipped to teach K-12 health and physical education in diverse school settings.