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Fine Arts | Art Studies | Art History
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Program Overview

The Bachelor of Arts in Art at Valdosta State University provides a comprehensive foundation in visual arts, emphasizing critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity. Students choose a concentration in areas such as art history, ceramics, drawing, graphic design, or painting, and complete a portfolio of their work. Graduates are prepared for careers in the visual arts or for graduate study in related fields.

Program Outline

Degree Overview:

The Bachelor of Arts in Art degree at Valdosta State University is a comprehensive program designed to provide students with a solid foundation in the visual arts. The program emphasizes the development of critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills, as well as the ability to create original works of art. Graduates of the program are prepared for careers in the visual arts, as well as for graduate study in art history, art education, or other related fields.


  • To provide students with a broad understanding of the history, theory, and practice of art.
  • To develop students' critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills.
  • To foster students' creativity and originality.
  • To prepare students for careers in the visual arts or for graduate study in art history, art education, or other related fields.


The Bachelor of Arts in Art degree program consists of 120 credit hours, including 39 credit hours of core courses, 33 credit hours of concentration courses, 18 credit hours of electives, and 12 credit hours of general education courses.

Core Courses:

  • ART 1000: Foundations of Art
  • ART 1010: Drawing I
  • ART 1020: Drawing II
  • ART 1110: Design I
  • ART 1120: Design II
  • ART 1210: Art History I
  • ART 1220: Art History II
  • ART 2040: Photography I
  • ART 2110: Three-Dimensional Design
  • ART 2210: Printmaking I
  • ART 2220: Printmaking II
  • ART 2310: Sculpture I
  • ART 2320: Sculpture II
  • ART 3050: Painting I
  • ART 3060: Painting II
  • ART 4950: Senior Seminar

Concentration Courses:

Students must choose one of the following concentrations:

  • Art History:
  • ART 3110: Medieval Art
  • ART 3120: Renaissance Art
  • ART 3130: Baroque Art
  • ART 3140: Modern Art
  • ART 3150: Contemporary Art
  • Ceramics:
  • ART 3510: Ceramics I
  • ART 3520: Ceramics II
  • ART 4510: Advanced Ceramics
  • ART 4520: Special Problems in Ceramics
  • Drawing:
  • ART 3210: Drawing III
  • ART 3220: Drawing IV
  • ART 4210: Advanced Drawing
  • ART 4220: Special Problems in Drawing
  • Graphic Design:
  • ART 3410: Graphic Design I
  • ART 3420: Graphic Design II
  • ART 4410: Advanced Graphic Design
  • ART 4420: Special Problems in Graphic Design
  • Jewelry/Metalsmithing:
  • ART 3710: Jewelry/Metalsmithing I
  • ART 3720: Jewelry/Metalsmithing II
  • ART 4710: Advanced Jewelry/Metalsmithing
  • ART 4720: Special Problems in Jewelry/Metalsmithing
  • Painting:
  • ART 3610: Painting III
  • ART 3620: Painting IV
  • ART 4610: Advanced Painting
  • ART 4620: Special Problems in Painting
  • Photography:
  • ART 3810: Photography II
  • ART 3820: Photography III
  • ART 4810: Advanced Photography
  • ART 4820: Special Problems in Photography
  • Printmaking:
  • ART 3910: Printmaking III
  • ART 3920: Printmaking IV
  • ART 4910: Advanced Printmaking
  • ART 4920: Special Problems in Printmaking
  • Sculpture:
  • ART 3310: Sculpture III
  • ART 3320: Sculpture IV
  • ART 4310: Advanced Sculpture
  • ART 4320: Special Problems in Sculpture


Students may choose any ART courses not taken as core courses or concentration courses to fulfill the elective requirement.

General Education Courses:

Students must complete 12 credit hours of general education courses, including 3 credit hours of English, 3 credit hours of mathematics, 3 credit hours of social sciences, and 3 credit hours of natural sciences.


Students are assessed in a variety of ways throughout the program, including:

  • Exams: Students take exams at the end of each semester to assess their understanding of the course material.
  • Quizzes: Students take quizzes throughout the semester to assess their understanding of the material covered in class.
  • Projects: Students complete projects throughout the semester to demonstrate their skills and knowledge.
  • Presentations: Students give presentations throughout the semester to share their work with their classmates.
  • Portfolios: Students create portfolios of their work to showcase their skills and progress.


The faculty in the Department of Art & Design are dedicated to providing students with a high-quality education. The faculty are active in research and creative activity, and they bring their expertise into the classroom. The department offers a variety of teaching methods, including lectures, discussions, studio work, and critiques. The faculty are also committed to providing students with individual attention and support.


Graduates of the Bachelor of Arts in Art degree program are prepared for a variety of careers in the visual arts, including:

  • Art Director: Art directors oversee the visual aspects of advertising campaigns, magazines, and other publications.
  • Art Instructor: Art instructors teach art at the elementary, secondary, and college levels.
  • Book Designer: Book designers create the layout and design of books.
  • Cartoonist: Cartoonists create cartoons for newspapers, magazines, and other publications.
  • Computer Animator: Computer animators create computer-generated animations for films, television shows, and video games.
  • Digital Media Designer: Digital media designers create digital content for websites, social media, and other online platforms.
  • Gallery Owner: Gallery owners manage and operate art galleries.
  • Graphic Designer: Graphic designers create visual content for a variety of purposes, including logos, brochures, and websites.
  • Illustrator: Illustrators create illustrations for books, magazines, and other publications.
  • Industrial Designer: Industrial designers design products for mass production.
  • Museum Administrator: Museum administrators manage and operate museums.
  • Museum Curator: Museum curators research, acquire, and display art objects.
  • Museum Educator: Museum educators develop and deliver educational programs for museum visitors.
  • Painter: Painters create paintings for a variety of purposes, including personal expression, commercial use, and public display.
  • Photographer: Photographers take photographs for a variety of purposes, including personal expression, commercial use, and public display.
  • Printmaker: Printmakers create prints by transferring images from a plate or block to paper.
  • Product Designer: Product designers design products for mass production.
  • Sculptor: Sculptors create three-dimensional works of art.
  • Secondary School Art Teacher: Secondary school art teachers teach art at the high school level.
  • Video Game Designer: Video game designers design video games.
  • Visual Effects Artist: Visual effects artists create visual effects for films, television shows, and video games.
  • Web Designer: Web designers create websites.
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