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Tuition Fee
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Fully Online
Program Facts
Program Details
Educational Administration | Educational Evaluation and Research | Educational Leadership
Area of study
Education type
Fully Online
Course Language
Program start dateApplication deadline
About Program

Program Overview

The University of New England offers a range of 100% online Graduate Programs in Education courses that are available to non-matriculated students. These courses cover various topics in education, including teacher leadership, differentiation theory, motivational theory, design thinking, and action research. The courses are designed to enhance classroom-based experiences and provide educators with strategies to address common issues in the classroom.

Program Outline


  • Graduate Courses in Education
  • The majority of UNE's 100% online Graduate Programs in Education courses are available for you to take individually as a non-matriculated student.
  • Courses are offered in several topic areas and pathways.
  • Course Descriptions
  • EDU 600: Teacher as Leader (Credits: 3)
  • Enhances classroom-based experiences by linking them with professional research skills.
  • Educators will learn to locate and critically review a wide range of professional resources, articulate knowledge from a research-based framework, and collaborate with their peers on navigating school cultures.
  • Highlights the roles and responsibilities of leaders in a school setting.
  • EDU 610: Differentiation Theory and Strategies (Credits: 3)
  • Explores the theories of differentiated instruction.
  • Educators analyze differentiation theories and incorporate differentiation strategies into the design of units and lessons in their own educational settings.
  • Collegial reflection regarding the use of these differentiation strategies will be a major component of the course.
  • EDU 615: Motivational Theory & Class Management (Credits: 3)
  • Examines significant theories of student motivation in the classroom.
  • Educators taking this course will develop a lesson plan, embedding motivational theory to improve student engagement, assess current effectiveness of practices, and complete an in-depth analysis and application of motivational theory through a case study.
  • The goal of this course is to provide educators with strategies to address the most common issues of discord in the classroom.
  • EDU 650: Design Thinking for Organizational Innovation (Credits: 3)
  • Introduces participants to the Design Thinking process as a platform for innovation.
  • Participants will be immersed in a proven, five-step rapid iteration process that will help to quickly develop and test innovative ideas.
  • This course will provide a comprehensive understanding of how to use the Design Thinking process to create human-centered solutions, which will foster the opportunity for more creativity and collaboration.
  • EDU 690: Action Research (Credits: 3)
  • Educators will explore action research within their own work setting.
  • Educators will formulate a problem statement, conduct a literature review, design a study, identify which data to collect, conduct the study, analyze data, report the results of the analysis, and develop an action plan.
  • The resulting product will be a professional quality action research report.
  • Through a systematic and collaborative process, participants will utilize action research to reflect, analyze and enhance their professional practice.
  • Educators will also develop technical writing skills which are important for professional communication, grant-writing, and administrative reporting tasks.
  • EDU 695: Portfolio (Credits: 3)
  • Develops reflective practices that assist participants in exploring both professional and personal growth that has occurred throughout the University of New England’s MSEd program.
  • Participants will utilize organizational tools to create a digital portfolio that reflects self-directed learning within their program experiences.
  • EDU 701: Educational Leadership (Credits: 3)
  • Provides the overarching context for the educational leadership focus area.
  • Educators consider theories and practices relating to effective and ethical leadership in educational settings.
  • Topics include diagnosing the work environment, decision-making, problem-solving, strategic planning, and human resource development.
  • Students will reflect on their own leadership, observe and analyze other leaders, and explore how the theories and practices that relate to the Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (formerly ISLLC).
  • EDU 702: School Law (Credits: 3)
  • Provides a foundation of the legal underpinnings of the American education system and explores how legal decisions have had an effect on schools.
  • Specific legal principles relating to church/state issues, tort liability, teacher responsibilities, student rights and administrative concerns such as contracts and collective bargaining are examined.
  • Participants will analyze case studies to apply their understanding and create a compendium of the laws unique to the states in which they work.
  • EDU 703: Educational Change/School Reform (Credits: 3)
  • Regardless of how beneficial a desired change may seem, new initiatives are often difficult to implement.
  • Each educational setting has its own culture, and innovations and changes that are incompatible with the prevailing climate may elicit resistance and hostility.
  • The course examines change theory; studies case histories of successful and not so successful change efforts; and reviews change strategies to equip students with skills for introducing effective reforms.
  • EDU 704: Supervision and Evaluation of Instructional Personnel (Credits: 3)
  • Supervision and evaluation strategies need to support teachers’ growth into strong, competent professionals.
  • This course examines requirements of educational leaders engaged in supervising and evaluating educational personnel, and explores new directions and procedures currently under development.
  • Emphasis is given to understanding the theory behind the practice, strengths and weaknesses of varying methods, and hands-on applications.
  • Drawing on knowledge of developmental stages and multiple styles of learning and teaching, participants consider such practices as peer evaluations, self-evaluations, portfolios, and mentoring.
  • EDU 706: School-Community Relations & Communications (Credits: 3)
  • An effective educational leader promotes the success of all students by communicating the learning community’s vision, policies, and successes to staff, students, parents, community, decision makers, legislators, and media.
  • This course provides 80 hours of field-based work, in which aspiring leaders will develop a plan to build and maintain partnerships with multiple constituent groups within the community in a way that positively impacts the education of students.
  • EDU 707: Instructional Leadership (Credits: 3)
  • School leaders must also be “lead teachers.”
  • Participants will explore current models for curriculum design to ensure that instructional materials meet appropriate mandates for content and learning goals, and which also address students’ diverse needs, abilities, and experiences.
  • Learning theories and styles are included, as are topics relating to curriculum theory and assessment.
  • EDU 709: School Finance (Credits: 3)
  • The course traces the historical background and development of school finance acts and examines the intent, concepts, and relationship inherent in these acts.
  • Processes by which state subsidies are computed, allocated and distributed are considered.
  • Budget and expenditure practices in relation to these acts are illustrated.
  • Emphasis is placed on helping students develop a clear conceptual understanding of the overall methods by which state aid is provided to local school systems.
  • Readings, research, and other assignments are designed to acquaint students with school finance practices in their respective states.
  • EDU 715: Organizational Theory & Strategic Planning (Credits: 3)
  • This course will include an overview of organizational theories and systems; the inclusion of organizational theory in the educational change process; the functions, objectives, development, and assessment of strategic plans; and the relationship between strategic planning and budget development.
  • EDU 720: Special Education Law for the Classroom (Credits: 3)
  • Laws, regulations, and judicial decisions relating to the education of students with special needs are discussed.
  • Methods of conflict resolution, mediation, and ethical standards are examined.
  • Students will be required to apply what they learn as they analyze real-life case scenarios.
  • EDU 721: Using Technology within Inclusion Education (Credits: 3)
  • Introduces students to the use of technology in the education of individuals with special needs.
  • Methods and techniques for evaluation and determination of appropriate uses of technology are included.
  • A range of assistive technologies are covered as well as teaching strategies that support the implementation of technologies.
  • Using technology in universally-designed educational environments is examined.
  • Participants will be expected to have access to and use selected teaching and learning technologies with students with disabilities.
  • EDU 722: Special Education Assessment in Inclusion Settings (Credits: 3)
  • Focuses on assessment approaches for identifying students with disabilities and assessing progress toward learning goals and standards.
  • Participants examine formal assessment tools and procedures used in the diagnosis of disabilities and identification of the instructional and behavioral needs of students.
  • Participants will explore a range of student strengths and exceptionalities as they determine best educational practices to meet the needs of all learners in the least restrictive setting.
  • EDU 723: Teaching and Learning in Inclusion Settings* (Credits: 3)
  • Focuses on methods and strategies for teaching students with special needs.
  • Current issues of concern, learning standards, promising practices, behavioral strategies, and methods for individualizing, differentiating, creating, and providing universally designed instruction are covered.
  • Participants will be expected to conduct observations in schools and plan and implement instructional activities with students with disabilities.
  • Participants can pursue an elementary or secondary strand.
  • EDU 725: Behavior Considerations in the Inclusive Setting (Credits: 3)
  • This course will help participants identify and prioritize essential behavioral skills in their work with students.
  • They will explore how to model, teach, and nurture behavioral skills and analyze differentiation strategies at Tier 1 of a Positive Behavior Intervention and Support model and prepare for intervention and monitoring at Tier 2 and 3.
  • The course will engage participants in addressing factors that influence a school’s response to behavioral considerations such as available resources, parent collaboration, and school and community culture.
  • This is a new course in development in 2019 and this description is subject to change.
  • EDU 726: Telling Your School’s Story Through Data Analysis (Credits: 3)
  • Focuses on the use of data to create inclusive environments for all students.
  • Participants in this course will apply the components of the Continuous School Improvement Framework (Plan-Implement- Evaluate-Improve).
  • Participants will use data readily available in their classroom, school, or district.
  • Several protocols for analysis will be used.
  • Themes will include using data to support a shared vision and using data to examine school core values.
  • EDU 727: Understanding the Whole Child in the Inclusive Setting (Credits: 3)
  • This course will deepen participants’ understanding of the factors that affect a learner’s ability to access their education.
  • Participants will explore the current research in neuroscience and its connection to social and emotional learning.
  • Participants will review and understand practical strategies to address the social and emotional learning needs of all learners and develop a social and emotional learning plan including the development of self-regulation skills in all learners.
  • This is a new course in development in 2019 and this description is subject to change.
  • EDU 730: Universal Design for Learning (Credits: 3)
  • Explores Universal Design for Learning (UDL) as foundational inclusive practice.
  • It addresses the elements of effective design for learning variability across educational settings including those found in K-12, higher education, and corporate environments.
  • Participants will practice designing meaningful learning experiences that meet the needs of every learner.
  • EDU 740: Supporting Literacy Development (Credits: 3)
  • Addresses the foundational knowledge that teachers of literacy need in order to understand the reading and writing process for students.
  • In this course, teachers will be exposed to major theories, research, and best practices in the literacy field.
  • Teachers will be asked to draw upon this theoretical and practical knowledge to think about issues of instructional practice.
  • Through engaging inquiry experiences, teachers will become active participants in developing a strong foundational base for literacy instruction for all learners in their classrooms.
  • EDU 741: Literacy Assessments (Credits: 3)
  • Focuses on the use of assessments in determining a student’s reading and/or writing skills.
  • Teachers will examine, create, evaluate, and reflect on a variety of literacy assessments as they are directly connected to data-driven instruction and student literacy achievement.
  • Each course module will engage teachers in becoming familiar with a range of assessments and how to use data from these assessments in developing lessons and activities that will allow students to learn subject content as well as develop and deepen literacy skills.
  • Teachers will be engaged in the research around assessments as well as how to modify assessments and instruction based on assessments to meet the needs of diverse learners.
  • EDU 742: Study Skills & Content Literacy (Credits: 3)
  • Focuses on research-based study skills and strategies for providing literacy instruction within the classroom content area.
  • Educators will learn to integrate literacy and study skills instruction in their classrooms while designing reading assignments that afford students access to the concepts in the text.
  • Concepts and strategies presented are relevant to the needs of ESL students.
  • EDU 743: Connecting Reading with Writing for Success (Credits: 3)
  • The reading-writing connection will be the focus of the course.
  • Educators will have the opportunity to explore this connection through the examination and application of successful instructional strategies and activities.
  • Educators, regardless of the level or content they teach, will be provided with tools that will help to maintain learners’ literacy development as they read and write to learn or learn to read and write.
  • EDU 744: Meeting Student Literacy Challenges (Credits: 3)
  • Addresses how to engage in differentiated literacy practices to meet the needs of diverse learners.
  • Educators will be immersed in the foundational knowledge that will aid them in creating effective instruction that will assist students who need support in their literacy development.
  • The readings and coursework will explore how to approach literacy challenges from the classroom and school levels in a systematic way as well as incorporating a culturally responsive approach to pedagogy.
  • EDU 746: Professional Learning and Literacy Leadership (Credits: 3)
  • Focuses on the leadership skills that the professional will need as a Reading Specialist/Literacy Coach.
  • Specifically, this course will explore the coaching relationship and how to work collaboratively to plan, implement, and supervise literacy programs at the individual, classroom, school, and district-wide level.
  • Focus will also be on facilitating a literate environment, working with literacy in a diverse society, and developing leadership skills.
  • This course will also fulfill the requirements that many states have for course work in Administration and Supervision of Language Arts Programs.
  • EDU 747: Literacy for English Language Learners (Credits: 3)
  • Goes into more depth specifically about meeting the needs of students whose native language is not English.
  • Topics will include emergent literacy, individual student differences and similarities, first and second language acquisition and development, emergent and experienced reading and writing development, multiple test sources, text analysis, process writing, assessment techniques, portfolio assessment, classroom organization and management, whole language classrooms, language arts materials, and effective instructional strategies.
  • This course will help to prepare future Reading Specialists to work with this growing population and support teachers who have students from different linguistic backgrounds.
  • EDU 748: Literacy for Inclusion Settings (Credits: 3)
  • Is designed to straddle the disciplines of regular and special education.
  • Students will explore the implementation of multi-tier approaches to the early identification and support of students with learning and behavior needs and ways to differentiate instruction.
  • The course attends to the collaboration that takes places between regular and special education teachers when assessing and planning instruction for all students in an inclusive setting.
  • EDU 749: Reading Diagnosis: Clinical Practice I (Credits: 3)
  • In conjunction with EDU 750, this course is the first of two practicum courses that closely examine a wide range of assessment and instructional methods to support literacy development of struggling learners.
  • Students in this course work closely with an onsite mentor, a learning community of students and a UNE instructor.
  • This collaboration will support students as they develop relationships with K-12 students who struggle in literacy.
  • Experiences in the course include working in a one-on-one tutorial setting, administering a variety of reading diagnosis assessments, and collaboratively creating and implementing literacy programming that builds on diagnosis with the goal of moving learners forward in their literacy growth.
  • This course meets most state’s requirements that a 6 credit practicum be part of an approved graduate program.
  • EDU 750: Reading Instructional Intervention: Clinical Practice II (Credits: 3)
  • In conjunction with EDU 749, this course is the second of two practicum courses that closely examine a wide range of assessment and instructional methods to support literacy development of struggling learners.
  • Students in this course work closely with an onsite mentor, a learning community of students and a UNE instructor.
  • This collaboration will support students as they develop relationships with K-12 students who struggle in literacy.
  • Experiences in the course include working in a one-on-one tutorial setting, administering a variety of reading diagnosis assessments, and collaboratively creating and implementing literacy programming that builds on diagnosis with the goal of moving learners forward in their literacy growth.
  • This course meets most state’s requirements that a 6 credit practicum be part of an approved graduate program.
About University

University of New England


University of New England (UNE) is a private university located in Maine, with additional campuses in Tangier, Morocco, and an online presence. It is Maine's largest private university and is recognized for its strong focus on health professions, particularly in providing healthcare professionals for the state. UNE is also known for its commitment to hands-on learning, career-ready skills development, and a supportive, welcoming community.

Services Offered:

UNE offers a wide range of services to its students, including:

    Academic and Career Advising Center:

    Provides guidance on academic planning and career exploration.

    Student Academic Success Center:

    Offers support services for academic success, such as tutoring and study skills workshops.


    Facilitates internship opportunities for students to gain practical experience in their chosen fields.

    Honors College:

    Provides a challenging and enriching academic experience for high-achieving students.

    Library Services:

    Offers access to a comprehensive collection of resources and research support.

    Office of Innovation:

    Fosters innovation and entrepreneurship among students.


    Handles student records, course registration, and graduation.

    Office of the Provost:

    Oversees academic affairs and faculty development.

    Student Life:

    Provides a variety of resources and activities to enhance the student experience, including clubs, activities, wellness programs, and housing options.


    Supports research activities through various centers and offices, including the Office of Research and Scholarship, Office of Sponsored Programs, and research centers focused on areas like aging and health, public health, and the neurosciences.

    Global Affairs:

    Offers opportunities for international study and collaboration through study abroad programs and partnerships with institutions around the world.

Student Life and Campus Experience:

UNE provides a vibrant and engaging campus experience for its students. Students can expect:

    Active and supportive community:

    A welcoming and inclusive environment where students can connect with peers and faculty.

    Opportunities for involvement:

    A wide range of clubs, organizations, and activities to pursue interests and develop leadership skills.

    Hands-on learning:

    Opportunities for practical experience through internships, research, and service learning.

    Global experiences:

    Study abroad programs and international collaborations to broaden perspectives and gain global skills.

    Beautiful campuses:

    Two coastal Maine campuses and a campus in Tangier, Morocco, offering diverse and inspiring learning environments.

Key Reasons to Study There:

    Strong return on investment:

    UNE graduates are highly sought after by employers, with a high employment rate and strong career earnings potential.

    Focus on health professions:

    UNE is a leading provider of healthcare professionals in Maine, offering a wide range of programs in fields like medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, nursing, and physical therapy.

    Hands-on learning and career-ready skills:

    UNE emphasizes practical experience and skills development through internships, research, and service learning.

    Supportive and welcoming community:

    UNE fosters a sense of belonging and provides a strong support system for students.

    Inspiring locations:

    UNE's campuses in Maine and Morocco offer unique and beautiful learning environments.

Academic Programs:

UNE offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs across various disciplines, including:

    Arts and Sciences:

    Liberal arts, humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences.


    Business administration, accounting, finance, marketing, and management.

    Dental Medicine:

    Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD) program.

    Health Professions:

    Programs in fields like pharmacy, nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and physician assistant studies.

    Osteopathic Medicine:

    Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) program.

    UNE Online:

    A variety of online programs in fields like business, education, healthcare, and technology.


Total programs
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