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Program Facts
Program Details
International Relations | Political Sciences and Civics | Human Rights Studies
Area of study
Social Sciences
Course Language
About Program

Program Overview

The International Studies program offers a comprehensive curriculum that explores global issues, cultures, and perspectives. Students can choose from various concentrations, including Latin American Studies, European Studies, Global Culture Studies, TESOL Studies, Intercultural Mission Studies, and International Business Studies. The program emphasizes intercultural communication, critical thinking, and global awareness, preparing students for careers in international relations, diplomacy, education, business, and more.

Program Outline


or B.A.

International Studies Core Requirements: 21 Hours

  • ISA 210 - Introduction to International Studies (3 hours)
  • ISA 220 - Intercultural Communication (3 hours)
  • CHS 234 - World Religions (3 hours)
  • ISA 450 - Senior Capstone Project (3 hours)
  • Choose two courses from the following list: (6 hours)
  • ECO 452 - Comparative Economic Systems (3 hours)
  • GEG 315 - World Geography (3 hours)
  • GEG 321 - Cultural Geography and Anthropology (3 hours)
  • GEG 442 - Political Geography (3 hours)
  • POL 341 - Comparative Government (3 hours)
  • Choose one course from the following list: (3 hours)
  • ART 411 - World Art (3 hours)
  • ENG 234 - Foundations of World Literature (3 hours)
  • MUS 325 - Music in World Cultures (3 hours)

Concentration Studies: 15 Hours

  • Latin American Studies
  • HST 473 - Latin American History (3 hours)
  • SPA 310 - Reading and Culture (3 hours)
  • SPA 315 - Advanced Conversational Spanish (3 hours)
  • SPA 320 - Introduction to Literary Analysis (3 hours)
  • SPA 332 - Latin American Civilization and Culture (3 hours)
  • SPA 370 - Hispanic Cinema and Cultures (3 hours)
  • SPA 375 - Advanced Grammar and Composition (3 hours)
  • SPA 415 - Survey of Latin American Literature (3 hours)
  • SPA 380 or SPA 480 - Special Topics (3 hours)
  • European Studies
  • ART 310 - Art History I (3 hours)
  • ART 311 - Art History II (3 hours)
  • ART 410 - Twentieth Century Art History (3 hours)
  • ENG 331 - Survey of British Literature I (3 hours)
  • ENG 332 - Survey of British Literature II (3 hours)
  • ENG 351 - Renaissance to Restoration Literature (3 hours)
  • ENG 352 - Age of Enlightenment Literature (3 hours)
  • FRE 311 - Advanced Composition and Conversation (3 hours)
  • FRE 312 - Advanced Composition and Conversation (3 hours)
  • FRE 321 - Survey of French Literature I (3 hours)
  • FRE 322 - Survey of French Literature II (3 hours)
  • FRE 390 or FRE 490 - Independent Study (1-3 hours)
  • HST 231 - World Civilization to 1650 (3 hours)
  • HST 261 - European Studies (3 hours)
  • HST 341 - Nineteenth-Century Europe (3 hours)
  • HST 471 - Church History (3 hours)
  • MUS 321 - History of Music I (3 hours)
  • MUS 322 - History of Music II (3 hours)
  • POL 482 - Western Political Philosophy (3 hours)
  • SPA 331 - Spanish Civilization and Culture (3 hours)
  • SPA 410 - Survey of Spanish Literature (3 hours)
  • SPA 380 or SPA 480 - Special Topics (3 hours)
  • TH 242 - Theater History I (3 hours)
  • TH 342 - Theater History II (3 hours)
  • TH 375 or ENG 375 - Contemporary Drama (3 hours)
  • ISA 482 - Special Topics in European Studies (3 hours)
  • Global Culture Studies
  • ART 312 - Aesthetics (3 hours)
  • ART 411 - World Art (3 hours)
  • ENG 234 - Foundations of World Literature (3 hours)
  • FLM 250 - Film Appreciation (3 hours)
  • GEG 321 - Cultural Geography and Anthropology (3 hours)
  • MUS 221 - Music Literature (3 hours)
  • MUS 325 - Music in World Cultures (3 hours)
  • ISA 380 - Special Topics (3 hours)
  • TESOL Studies
  • TSL 240 - Language and Culture (2 hours)
  • TSL 250 - TESL Assessment and Testing (2 hours)
  • TSL 340 - L2 Acquisition and the Skill Set (3 hours)
  • TSL 440 - Applied Linguistics and English Grammar (3 hours)
  • TSL 460 - TESL Methods and Materials (3 hours)
  • ISA 484 - Seminar in TESOL Studies (3 hours)
  • Intercultural Mission Studies
  • CHS 276 - History of Christian Missions (3 hours)
  • CHS 354 - Introduction to Christian Evangelism (3 hours)
  • CHS 376 - Introduction to Missiology (3 hours)
  • CHS 378 - Missions Methods and Strategies (3 hours)
  • CHS 379 - Missions Mobilization & Preparation (3 hours)
  • MUS 325 - Music in World Cultures (3 hours)
  • SOC 321 - Cultural Geography and Anthropology (3 hours)
  • ISA 380 - Special Topics (3 hours)
  • International Business Studies
  • BA 384 - Business Ethics (3 hours)
  • BA 392 - International Marketing (3 hours)
  • BA 393 - International Business Law (3 hours)
  • BA 399 - International Business (3 hours)
  • ECO 452 - Comparative Economic Systems (3 hours)
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