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Tuition Fee
EUR 20,000
Per year
Start Date
Medium of studying
24 months
Program Facts
Program Details
Data Science | Data Analytics
Area of study
Information and Communication Technologies
Full time
Course Language
Tuition Fee
Average International Tuition Fee
EUR 20,000
Program start dateApplication deadline
About Program

Program Overview

The Data Science for Society and Business (MSc) program equips students with cutting-edge data science skills to analyze and solve challenges in business, social sciences, and other fields. It offers a comprehensive curriculum with core, methods, discovery, career, and elective areas, preparing graduates for careers in data analytics, business management, research, and more. The program fosters individual diversity and specialization, providing students with the tools and knowledge to drive organizational change, predict behaviors, and create sustainable solutions.

Program Outline

Degree Overview:

The Data Science for Society and Business (MSc) is a highly selective interdisciplinary program for students seeking expertise in data science within business and social sciences. It also attracts students from health and environmental sciences seeking to expand into big data analytics, data-driven, and computational social science. Objectives:

  • Equip graduates with cutting-edge competencies, tools, and methods to analyze, model, predict, and solve pressing challenges faced by digital societies, modern organizations, and competitive businesses.
  • Foster individual diversity and specialization through a broad course offering and elective tracks.
  • Prepare graduates for rapidly growing, global professional and academic career options resulting from digitization.


The program curriculum combines foundational lectures, specialized modules, interactive seminars, tutorials, and applied project work. These lead to a master's thesis that can be conducted in close collaboration with research, institutional, or industry partners on or off-campus. Program Structure:

Core Area:

  • Research on digitization and societies
  • Digital transformation in business
  • Data science and artificial intelligence concepts

Methods Area:

  • Programming skills
  • Innovative and dynamic models
  • Experimental methods
  • Up-to-date software

Discovery Area:

  • Data science applications
  • Capstone project or internship

Career Area:

  • Language modules
  • Ethical and legal questions
  • Communication and career skills

Elective Area:

  • Business
  • Computer science
  • Criminology
  • Spatial sciences
  • Public health


  • Combines on- and offline learning tools in core and method courses.
  • Fosters a close relationship between teachers and students.
  • Provides small classes, shared learning experiences, and innovative learning environments.
  • Offers access to a data science lab, capstone projects, elective internships, and participation in public big data challenges for professional and research practice.


  • Graduates are prepared for careers in business analytics, business management, predictive modeling, entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship, data management, and research.
  • They can analyze large data sets, drive organizational change and optimization, and predict behaviors and trends to optimize businesses and create sustainable ideas for the future.
  • Graduates are also equipped for roles in economics, media, political, and other social sciences, where they can analyze unstructured heterogeneous data to understand social life, networks, social dynamics, and innovation.
  • They can use their expertise to decode and predict the logic of social behavior, opinion formation, and economic trends.
  • For students focusing on health or environmental problems, the program offers tools and methods to collect, evaluate, and understand digital health and planetary data.
  • Graduates can use this knowledge to illustrate the occurrence of certain diseases, predict their chances of cure, detect environmental threats, and monitor the success of countermeasures.


1.Proof of identity

  • We can accept a government-issued national ID as a proof of identity for EU/EFTA/EAA citizens, or a passport – for EU and non-EU citizens.

2.University Transcripts

  • If you have not received your final transcript, please submit your most updated transcript or official mark sheets of all completed semesters.

Please keep in mind these guidelines for your bachelor transcript:

  • If your transcript is composed by several pages, make sure to send them in order and to include all semesters
  • If your transcript contains an explanation of the grading system or GPA calculation regulations, please include it too
  • If you have already graduated but have not received your bachelor diploma, please submit your provisional certificate.
  • If you have done multiple higher education degrees (i.e. Associate, Bachelor, Master, etc.), make sure to include the transcripts and information from all of your degrees, whether completed or not.
  • If any of the documents are not issued in English or German, they must be accompanied by a translated copy in English or German, completed by a sworn translator.


  • Make sure your CV describes your academic and professional information, extracurricular and voluntary activities. If you don’t have any professional experience, you can describe academic projects you were part of during your studies.

4.Proof of English Language Proficiency

  • All applicants must show an adequate command of the English language to enroll at Constructor University. An applicant’s English language ability (non-native speakers) may be demonstrated through language proficiency test scores.

5.Motivation Statement

When writing your letter of motivation, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Why have I chosen Constructor University to continue my education?
  • Why should I be admitted to my chosen master program?
  • Which qualities make me an exceptional candidate?

6.Recommendation Letter

  • Letters of recommendation typically come from professors, lecturers, project supervisors or employers. The purpose of a letter of recommendation is to explain and confirm the academic and/or professional skills, that have become apparent to the issuer of the letter during the time they knew you.
  • Recommendation letters are optional/upon request.