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Tuition Fee
Start Date
Medium of studying
24 months
Program Facts
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About Program

Program Overview

Madison College's Photography Associate Degree program equips students with a comprehensive foundation in commercial photography. Through hands-on experience, classroom instruction, and real-world assignments, students develop their artistic style, technical skills, and business acumen. Graduates enter the job market with a professional portfolio and the knowledge to succeed in various photography careers.

Program Outline

Degree Overview:

The Photography Associate Degree program at Madison College aims to equip students with a solid foundation in commercial photography. The program emphasizes developing an individual style, providing hands-on experience with the latest digital technologies, and imparting the business skills necessary to succeed in the field of photography. It combines classroom lectures and demonstrations, practical hands-on assignments in studios and labs, and real-world experience through internships and assignments that simulate contract work for clients. Graduates of the program will participate in an annual employer-attended portfolio show and enter the job market with a professional portfolio showcasing their skills and capabilities acquired at Madison College.


First Semester

  • 10-203-104 Introduction to Digital Workflow (2 credits)
  • 10-203-105 Photo Composition (2 credits)
  • 10-203-107 Camera & Flash Essentials (3 credits)
  • 10-203-120 Lighting Technique (2 credits)
  • 10-801-195 Written Communication (3 credits)
  • 10-804-107 College Mathematics (3 credits)

Second Semester

  • 10-203-108 Studio Photography (3 credits)
  • 10-203-141 Digital Color Workflow (3 credits)
  • 10-203-173 Photojournalism (2 credits)
  • 10-206-130 Video Production (3 credits)
  • 10-801-196 Oral/Interpersonal Communication (3 credits)

Third Semester

  • 10-203-121 Commercial Photography 1 (3 credits)
  • 10-203-124 Portrait Photography (2 credits)
  • 10-203-134 Advanced Digital Workflow (3 credits)
  • 10-203-174 Photography on Location (3 credits)
  • Elective (3 credits)
  • 10-809-197 Contemporary American Society (3 credits)

Fourth Semester

  • 10-203-123 Commercial Photography 2 (3 credits)
  • 10-203-125 Business of Photography (2 credits)
  • 10-203-126 Advanced Portrait Photography (2 credits)
  • 10-203-176 Trends in Digital Photography (2 credits)
  • 10-203-185 Portfolio Preparation (2 credits)


The program incorporates on-campus classes taught by professional photographers who share their vital skills and real-world experiences. Students have access to a fully equipped photography studio at the Truax campus to test the latest digital photography technologies. They can also join the Madison College Creative Arts Collective to learn and network outside of their classes, and showcase their photography work at the annual portfolio show.


Graduates of the Photography program can pursue a range of professional positions in the field of photography, including:

  • Professional Photographer
  • Portrait and Wedding Photographer
  • Commercial Photographer
  • Architectural Photographer
  • Industrial Photographer
  • Corporate Staff Photographer
  • Government Staff Photographer
  • Commercial Studio Assistant
  • Portrait Studio Assistant
  • Photojournalist
  • Editorial Photographer
  • DSLR Videographer and Editor