Advanced Diploma of Biomedical Engineering
Program start date | Application deadline |
2024-08-06 | - |
Program Overview
This Advanced Diploma in Biomedical Engineering provides specialized technical and theoretical knowledge in the field. Delivered with a strong practical focus, the program covers various aspects of biomedical engineering through 15 modules and 3 units of competency. Led by experienced industry professionals, the program prepares students for careers as Field Service Technicians, Medical Equipment Service Technicians, and other related roles.
Program Outline
This Advanced Diploma is delivered with a strong practical focus. Upon completion of this program, students emerge from the course able to demonstrate specialized and integrated technical and theoretical knowledge, with considerable depth, in subject matter related to biomedical engineering.
Program Structure:
The program is composed of 15 modules and 3 units of competency. These modules cover a range of aspects to provide you with maximum practical coverage in the field of biomedical engineering.
Module Number
- ------ | -------- | -------- 1 | Basic Electrical Engineering (DBEBEE601) | 3 Weeks 2 | Perform Technical and Specification Writing (DBETSW602) | 4 Weeks 3 | Engineering Drawings (DBEEED603) | 3 Weeks 4 | Power Electronics and Power Supplies (DBEPES604) | 4 Weeks 5 | Shielding, EMC/EMI, Noise Reduction and Grounding/earthing (DBESGE605) | 3 Weeks 6 | Embedded Microcontrollers (DBEEMC606) | 4 Weeks 7 | Troubleshooting Electronics Components and Circuits (DBETEC607) | 4 Weeks 8 | Biomedical Signal Processing (DBEBSP608) | 4 Weeks 9 | Perform Biomedical Modelling and Simulation (DBEBMS609) | 4 Weeks 10 | Anatomy and Physiology for Engineers (DBEAPE610) | 4 Weeks 11 | Fundamentals of ICT and Networking for Biomedical Engineers and Technicians (DBEICT611) | 5 Weeks 12 | Apply the Fundamentals of Professional Engineering Practice (DPEFPE619) | 4 Weeks 13 | Biomedical Equipment Design, Standards and Practices (DBEEDS613) | 4 Weeks 14 | Biomedical Equipment – Monitoring, Diagnostic and Service Delivery (DBEMDS614) | 5 Weeks 15 | Biomedical Instrumentation (DBEBMI615) | 5 Weeks 16 | Medical Imaging Devices and Image Processing (DBEIDP616) | 4 Weeks 17 | Biomechanics and Assistive Technology (DBEBAT617) | 4 Weeks 18 | Emerging Technology and Innovation in Biomedical Engineering (DBEETI618) | 4 Weeks
- The lecturers presenting this advanced diploma are highly experienced engineers who have worked in the biomedical engineering industry.
- The delivery methodology — live and interactive webinars with the use of state-of-the-art technologies such as remote and virtual laboratories and simulation software — ensures you graduate with cutting-edge skills that are valued by employers around the world.
Potential Job Outcomes:
- Field Service Technician
- Medical Equipment Service Technician
- Engineering Technician
- Instrumentation Technician
- Medical Sales Technician
- Engineering Associate
- Maintenance Technician