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Tuition Fee
GBP 17,500
Per year
Start Date
Medium of studying
On campus
48 months
Program Facts
Program Details
Medieval and Renaissance Studies | History | Literature
Area of study
Education type
On campus
Full time
Course Language
Tuition Fee
Average International Tuition Fee
GBP 17,500
Program start dateApplication deadline
About Program

Program Overview

Swansea University's Medieval Studies program immerses students in the complexities of the Middle Ages, exploring religion, war, politics, and society through primary sources and historical scholarship. The flexible curriculum allows students to customize their studies, with pathways in history, English literature, and classical civilization. Graduates are equipped with analytical, research, and communication skills for careers in education, heritage, business, government, and nonprofit organizations.

Program Outline

Degree Overview:

Medieval Studies at Swansea University delves into the diverse civilizations and cultures that thrived during the Middle Ages. Students will embark on a journey to explore the complexities of religion, war, politics, and society that shaped this era. The program's primary objective is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the Medieval period, equipping students with analytical and research skills to engage critically with primary sources and historical scholarship.


The Medieval Studies program is designed to offer a flexible and customizable educational experience, allowing students to tailor their studies to their interests. The curriculum encompasses a broad range of modules, ensuring a comprehensive exploration of the Medieval period. In the first year, students will establish a solid foundation in Medieval European history and literature. They will examine key themes and periods through modules such as "Making History," "Medieval Europe: An Introduction," and "Literature and Society in Medieval Europe." During the second year, students will delve deeper into specific areas of interest by selecting modules from various pathways. The History Pathway offers modules such as "The Early Modern World, 1500-1800," "Britain and the World, 1800 to 2000," and "Refugees in the Twentieth Century." The English Literature Pathway provides modules such as "Revolution of the Word: Modernism," "Fragments of Union: The Cultural Making and Breaking of Britain," and "Contentious Shakespeare." Students can also choose from modules in the Classical Civilisation and Ancient History Pathway, such as "The Greek Romance: Sea, Sun and Sex," "Plato's Republic," and "Alexander and the Hellenistic World." In the third year, students will undertake a dissertation project, allowing them to delve into a topic of their choice under the guidance of an experienced supervisor. They will also select modules that complement their dissertation research, further enhancing their subject knowledge.


The assessment methods employed in the Medieval Studies program aim to evaluate students' knowledge, understanding, and critical thinking skills. These methods include:


Students will be required to produce written essays that demonstrate their grasp of course material, analytical abilities, and research skills.


Exams may be used to assess students' knowledge and understanding of specific topics covered in the modules.


Students may be required to deliver presentations to showcase their research, communication skills, and ability to engage with peers.


Projects may be assigned to evaluate students' ability to apply their knowledge and skills in a practical setting.


Active participation in seminars, discussions, and workshops will contribute to the overall assessment.


The Medieval Studies program at Swansea University is delivered by a team of highly qualified and experienced academics who are passionate about their research and teaching. The teaching methods employed include:


Lectures provide a structured overview of key concepts, theories, and historical events.


Seminars offer smaller group discussions, allowing students to delve deeper into specific topics and engage with primary sources.


Tutorials provide one-on-one or small group support, enabling students to receive personalized guidance and feedback on their work.


Workshops offer practical training on research skills, essay writing, and presentation techniques.


Graduates of the Medieval Studies program are well-equipped for a wide range of careers that require analytical, research, and communication skills. The program's interdisciplinary nature provides a solid foundation for careers in fields such as:


Graduates may pursue teaching careers in history, English, or related fields.


The program prepares students for roles in heritage management, museum studies, and archival research.

Business and Media:

The program's emphasis on critical thinking and communication skills is valuable in various business and media roles, such as journalism, public relations, and marketing.


Graduates may pursue careers in government agencies, policy research, and public administration.

Nonprofit Organizations:

The program provides a foundation for careers in nonprofit organizations dedicated to historical preservation, cultural heritage, and social justice.

3 Year Full Time Start Date UK International September 2023 £ 9,000 £ 16,650 September 2024 £ 9,000 £ 17,500 4 Year Full Time With a Year Abroad Start Date UK International September 2023 £ 9,000 £ 16,650 September 2024 £ 9,000 £ 17,500 4 Year Full Time With a Year In Industry Start Date UK International September 2023 £ 9,000 £ 16,650 September 2024 £ 9,000 £ 17,500 Fees for full time Undergraduate UK students may be increased in subsequent years of study by an inflationary amount determined by Welsh Government. Fees for full time Undergraduate EU/International students will increase by 3% for each subsequent year of study. During a sandwich year (e.g. year in industry, year abroad or placement year) a lower fee will apply. For more information visit our tuition fees page.

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