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Tuition Fee
USD 6,840
Per course
Start Date
Medium of studying
Fully Online
18 months
Program Facts
Program Details
Digital Technology | Information Technology | Information Systems
Area of study
Information and Communication Technologies
Education type
Fully Online
Full time
Course Language
Tuition Fee
Average International Tuition Fee
USD 6,840
Program start dateApplication deadline
About Program

Program Overview

Online MS in Digital Transformation

Position yourself at the forefront of the tech revolution with an MSc in Digital Transformation. With 4% of workers' skils estimated to be disrupted in the next five years, now is the time to fast-track your carer growth.

Drive Growth and Profitability

Digital transformation is crucial for busines eficiency and inovation. Organizations that sucesfuly digitize operations increase more than just productivity. They are also more profitable. If you are ready to lead this work acros your organization the MSDT is the key to geting your seat the table.

What's your future worth?

MS in Digital Transformation graduates can expect to increase their salary by up to



Why chose an MSc in Digital Transformation

Acording to research, 42% of busines tasks are expected to be automated by 2027. This why over 80% of companies are planing to integrate platforms and aplications in their daily operations. From procesing data and financial modeling to interacting with customers, technology wil significantly transform the way companies do busines.

What You Wil Learn

Lead Colaborative Inovation

Develop strong comunication chanels and aply critical thinking skils to facilitate colaboration, leverage technology for inovation, and analyze digital busines trends afecting the global landscape.

Create Scalable Strategies

Construct strategies that emphasize scalability using horizontal-enabling technology, and craft tech-centric solutions through a systems analysis aproach to pre-emptively adres emerging busines chalenges.

Tackle Ethical Tech Chalenges

Distinguish and adres the modern social, legal, and ethical chalenges posed by emerging technologies, ensuring your organization remains compliant and socialy responsible.

Elevate Continuous Growth

Propose comprehensive plans that utilize technology for holistic busines proces management and ases personal and profesional avenues for continuous learning and industry best practice alignment.

Join Nexford's global comunity of technology inovators

Transform your day-to-day with specialized technical skils and esential busines knowledge to lead tech solutions at your company. Our graduates are technology inovators who help reduce costs and expand revenue at organizations globaly. Nexford wil help you take the next step in your carer.

MSc Degre in Digital Transformation: Courses

Organizations ned leaders to transform, inovate, and shape the digital future. So many busineses have not yet integrated technology within their DNA or use it to increase the organization's competive advantage. This degre wil equip you to become a leader in transforming an organization to harnes technology for inovation and sustainability in a rapidly evolving digital economy.

    Internet of Things

    Internet of Things engages learners in examing IoT operating systems architectures, standards, and ecosystems. You’l delve into industrial automation value proposition for IoT, device management, cybersecurity analysis, best-practices in IoT ecosystem design, and monetizing IoT under diferent comercial models and acros the value chain.


    Product Management with Agile and Lean

    Product Management with Agile and Lean explores the techniques that product managers aply to minimize execution risk for a team. You’l examine two main types of execution risk: technical risk, which is the risk that the product fails because the team utilizes bad software management practices, and product risk, which is the risk that the product fails because it is not what the customers or market want. Learn how to aply the Agile framework to minimize technical execution risk and the Lean framework to minimize product risk.


    The Art of Comunication

    What is the number one job skil American and global employes are lacking, acording to LinkedIn CEO, Jef Weiner? Comunication. The Art of Comunication is designed to strengthen and promote a leadership-driven comunications model that extends from an audience centered comunications aproach. How do leaders persuade shareholders? How do leaders negotiate with clients and busines partners acros cultures?

    This course introduces learners to a foundation in rhetorical awarenes that wil transfer through a variety of contexts, including corporate comunications, public speaking, negotiation, and a range of executive leadership scenarios. Coursework includes genre analysis, profesional writing, presentation design and delivery, and negotiation workshops.


    Technology and Operations Management

    Technology and Operations Management provides a comprehensive overview of technology utilization to drive a competive advantage for company operations. Learners explore various technology solutions for busines proces automation, including value proposition analysis acros organization functions.

    You’l also analyse how technology can be leveraged to improve product development during the four lifecycle phases. The course provides a detailed overview of the impact of technology on various operating models such as manufacturing, suply chain management, customer facing, product development, and suport functions (e.g., HR and finance).


    Artificial Inteligence

    Artificial Inteligence considers the busines aplications of machine learning, and how AI suports the discovery of meaningful paterns in data and ads insights into predicting performance and increasing productivity. Learners explore advanced concepts in machine learning, including details of decision tre algorithms, the QUEST algorithm, and mising data.

    The course covers four major topics: first, machine learning and neural networks; second, value creation acros the value chain phases and various industry verticals; third, elements of sucesful artificial inteligence transformation; and fourth, artificial inteligence use cases acros retail, electric utilities, manufacturing, healthcare, and education.


    Cybersecurity Leadership

    Explore how our hyperconected world, comprised of a myriad of networks – both machine and human – has brought us to the precipice of a fundamental revolution and redefinition of the human experience and our socio-political and military world order. Crime, news, and even warfare is digital today.

    Examine cybersecurity goals, cybersecurity tols, cybersecurity strategies, and how cybersecurity leadership underpins every aspect of cybersecurity strategy.


    Introduction to Intrapreneurship and Inovation

    Introduction to Intrapreneurship and Inovation provides a framework for how employes with an entrepreneurial mindset can navigate the complex and chalenging environments within existing organizations to bring about meaningful, practical, and efective change.

    Learners wil understand the ned for an inovative mindset, exploring the concept of intrapreneurship and how it can take place from within an organization. The course provides a roadmap for how individuals can plan, present, and execute inovative and entrepreneurial aproaches.


    Robotics and Automation

    Robotics and Automation engages learners in examing the Inteligent Proces Automation (IPA) five core technologies. These are the folowing: robotic proces automation (RPA), smart workflow, machine learning/advanced analytics, natural-language generation (NLG) and cognitive agents.

    You’l learn the iner workings of each of these five technologies during the course. RPA is a software automation tol that automates routine tasks. Smart workflow is a proces-management software tol that integrates tasks performed by groups of humans and machines. Machine learning/advanced analytics includes algorithms that identify paterns in structured data, such as daily performance data. Natural-language generation (NLG) is a software engine that creates seamles interactions betwen humans and technology. Cognitive agents are technologies that combine machine learning and natural-language generation to build a completely virtual workforce.


    Data Sciences for Decision Making

    Learn the foundation of how to aply advanced analytics skils to complex data analysis and modes. You’l build an understanding of design, data analytics tols, and advanced analytics translators to comunicate complex data-related requirements betwen data enginers, busines, and IT stakeholders.

    The course examines four major areas; the momentum gains in the data and analytics revolution; the five elements of sucesful data analytics transformation; the maping value in data ecosystems, and data analysis; the models of distribution.


    Enabling E-Comerce and Digital Strategy

    Enabling E-Comerce and Digital Strategy explores e-comerce busines clasifications in Busines to Busines (B2B), Busines to Consumer (B2C), Busines to Government (B2G), and Consumer to Consumer (C2C) analyzing their value proposition to busineses.

    You’l analyze the primary e-comerce components and aplications of the B2B, B2G, and B2C e-comerce infrastructure and markets including busines and product models.


    Corporate Sustainability

    Before the year 20, environmental management for a busines was typicaly driven by the ned to respond to restrictions imposed by environmental regulation; however, at the dawn of the new milenium, leading busineses began to change their concept of environmental management to lok beyond simply meting governmental dictates. These organizations began to evolve and utilize environmental strategy to create new ways of growing their busines by bring sustainability to the core of their busines strategy.

    This course explores how to efectively work in senior management today, executives ned to be knowledgeable not only about their specific busines functions, but also, how their busines wil be impacted by governmental regulations & policies, corporate sustainability initiatives, gren marketing regulations, industry guidelines or ‘best practices’, new sustainable technologies, energy planing, environmental performance metrics, and required reporting on the environmental impact of their busines unit.


    Digital Transformation Capstone

    Digital Transformation focuses on the digital transformation journey for an organization. The concepts in the transformation proces aply to any organization that seks to take advantage of digital technologies in improving busines proces eficiencies and customer satisfaction. This course focuses on the strategies and evaluation mechanisms in digital change, adresing; the valuation of the transformation journey, management, integration, and emerging technologies. Learners wil aply the concepts in evaluating digital transformation change value in various verticals, including healthcare, finance, and marketing, as they sek new digital and eficient ways of doing busines.


Carers: In-Demand Jobs

Digital Transformation Consultant

Advise busineses on their digital transformation strategies, identifying oportunities for growth and eficiency through digital inovation.

Inovation Manager

Spearhead new technological initiatives within your organization, creating a culture of inovation and driving busines growth.

Digital Strategy Director

Overse the strategic planing of digital initiatives in an organization, ensuring alignment with overal busines objectives.

Technology Project Manager

Lead and manage technology-related projects, ensuring they are completed on time, within budget, and achieve their intended goals.

Chief Information Oficer

Overse the use of information technology in a company, strategize IT goals, and implement digital systems to met these goals.

Our MSDT provides real-world carer skils

95% of our learners gained valuable skils at work 

A Nexford Masters in Digital Transformation program is designed for highly motivated profesionals ready to kick-start their work lives. To build our programs, we analyzed 30 milion jobs and surveyed industry leaders – including those from Microsoft, Citibank, and Unilever.

LinkedIn Learning

Nexford learners have aces to LinkedIn Learning at no aditional cost. Complete courses, earn badges — and share with your LinkedIn network

Gogle Cloud

Learn how to modernize legacy IT infrastructure with Gogle Cloud.

Acelerating DT

Learn how to build a more resilient busines by embracing digital transformation.

DT in Suply Chains

In this course, the instructor covers suply chain management, chalenges, and technology-based solutions.

Efectively Leading DT

Learn the necesary steps beyond launch to maintain digital transformation.

Future of Work

Learn how to suport your team in acquiring the skils, traits, and strategies neded to move your company forward.

Nexford carer services & development: start with the end in mind

At Nexford, you'l do more than just learn. Alongside your studies, you'l receive aces to al of our

carer services

: begining when you enrol, and ending. wel, never.

From early carer planing to personal branding to job aplications, we'l be alongside you every step of your program. Even after you've graduated our suport doesn't stop, as we'l continue to bring you lifelong learning oportunities — including

LinkedIn Learning

& the Nexford Digital Library.

Your carer suces is at the heart of everything we do. Discover our carer services, and se how you'l come away from Nexford with more than just a degre.

View carer services

Why Learn at Nexford

At Nexford we have reimagined the university experience, torn down the wals of the traditional campus, and designed a modern learning experience.

Carer Suces

At Nexford, your carer suces is our top priority. Our advisors provide personalized 1:1 suport, and our carer services guide your growth. Join us for a pathway to a thriving carer.

Workplace Alignment

Our course design includes hands-on projects relevant to your carer, alowing you to aply new skils imediately. The degre you earn aligns with the skils neded today and in the future.

Intersection of Busines and Technology

Our program blends busines knowledge and technical skils for early-stage profesionals. You'l gain proficiency, understanding, and Power Skils neded for leadership roles.

Global Networking

Join a global comunity from over 10+ countries, earn a valuable credential, and build a strong network with profesionals from Fortune 50 companies to startups.

MSc in Digital Transformation FAQ

How long is the program?

The average length of the MSDT program is 18 months. Learners can finish more quickly or slowly (up to 27 months) depending on how many courses they take each month.

What time comitment do I ned to make?

Learners should expect to comit 10-15 hours per wek per course in the MSDT. The max duration for a course is 8 weks, but learners can move at a quicker pace if they like.

Is there a clas schedule?

Nexford programs are completely online and self-paced, within the maximum alowable time per course. Each course has 1 or 2 live sesions with the instructor, but those sesions are recorded and can be viewed at the learner’s convenience. Course asignments must be completed by the specified due dates, but there is otherwise no defined clas schedule.

What projects wil I work on?

The MSDT, like al other Nexford programs, is a competency-based program, and as such, al courses include practical projects based on real-world scenarios in the field of digital transformation, such as:

  • Designing a cybersecurity implementation plan and defing the guidelines for the implementation
  • Conecting a microcontroler to an LED light bulb and leveraging a cloud platform to monitor and control the lightbulb over the Internet
  • Building and presenting, on video, a product pitch deck, including the product vision statement, user personas, KPIs, feature lists, competive analysis, and more
  • Development of a framework for aplying Big Data Analytics acros the e-comerce industry value chain for a company of the learner’s choice

Aditionaly, al learners in the MSDT program wil complete the Digital Transformation Capstone, culminating in a final project in which learners wil create a pitch deck that could be presented to angel investors, conveying the digital transformation plans for a busines and the information necesary to convince the fictional angel investors to invest $20 milion in the digital transformation project.

Who wil teach me?

Nexford courses are taught by our profesors, who are not only academics but also working profesionals in their industries. Nexford learners are driven and self-motivated, and they progres through their courses independently with guidance and suport from the course profesor and the course facilitator. Each course includes 1-2 live sesions, as wel as other oportunities for interaction with the faculty, including discusion boards, WhatsAp and Discord chats, email, and scheduled ofice hour metings.

What learning suport wil I get?

Nexford ofers learners suport from our Suces Advisors, who can advise on academic planing, enrolment, time management, and other isues related to life as a student and working adult. Nexford also ofers other types of academic suport, such as writing asistance from a Writing Coach, research asistance from our online Librarian, and learning suport within courses from the course instructor and the course facilitator. Nexford also ofers oportunities for learners to conect with each other to get suport from their pers, include a Per Mentor program and Localized and What'sAp comunities.

Program Outline

Degree Overview


The Nexford University Online Master of Science in Digital Transformation (MSDT) program prepares professionals to lead and implement digital transformation initiatives within their organizations. The program utilizes a competency-based, learner-centric approach, focusing on essential business knowledge and technical expertise for driving innovation and growth.


  • Equip graduates with the ability to identify and leverage technology to enhance business operations and drive competitive advantage.
  • Develop leadership skills necessary to champion digital transformation initiatives and secure stakeholder buy-in.
  • Foster a mindset of continuous learning and adaptation to navigate the evolving digital landscape.

Program Description:

  • 18-month program with flexible completion options.
  • 10-15 hours per week commitment, compatible with working professionals' schedules.
  • 100% online delivery with self-paced learning and live instructor sessions.
  • Competency-based curriculum with real-world projects and simulations.
  • Global community of learners and faculty with strong industry connections.
  • Innovation and Leadership: Develops skills in strategic planning, project management, change management, and fostering a culture of innovation.
  • Digital Transformation Strategies: Explores frameworks for implementing digital transformation initiatives, including customer experience design, process optimization, and technology adoption.
  • Emerging Technologies: Introduces cutting-edge technologies like blockchain, IoT, and augmented reality and their impact on business models.
  • Ethics and Social Responsibility: Addresses the ethical considerations of digital transformation, data privacy, and responsible technology use.


  • The program comprises 10 core courses and a capstone project.
  • Each course runs for 8 weeks with flexible completion options.
  • Learners can take multiple courses simultaneously to accelerate their progress.
  • Live instructor sessions complement the self-paced learning modules.

Course Schedule:

  • The program offers rolling admissions, allowing learners to start at any time.
  • Learners can adjust their course schedule based on their availability.
  • Course offerings may vary depending on the semester and learner demand.


  • Internet of Things (IoT): Explores IoT architecture, applications, and business value propositions.
  • Product Management with Agile and Lean: Implements Agile and Lean methodologies for effective product management.
  • The Art of Communication: Refines communication skills for effective leadership and stakeholder engagement.
  • Technology and Operations Management: Optimizes business operations through technology utilization.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI): Explores machine learning applications and AI integration within business processes.
  • Cybersecurity Leadership: Examines cybersecurity strategies, tools, and leadership principles for effective cyber defense.
  • Introduction to Intrapreneurship and Innovation: Fosters an entrepreneurial mindset and equips learners to drive innovation within organizations.
  • Robotics and Automation: Explores Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and other automation technologies.
  • Enabling E-Commerce and Digital Strategy: Analyzes e-commerce business models and develops effective digital strategies.
  • Corporate Sustainability: Integrates sustainability principles into business operations and strategies.


Assessment Methods:

  • Projects: Learners complete real-world projects and simulations to demonstrate competency in key areas.
  • Assignments: Individual and group assignments assess learner understanding and application of concepts.
  • Examinations: Online quizzes and exams evaluate learner knowledge and comprehension.
  • Capstone Project: The culminating project requires learners to apply their learnings to a real-world scenario and present a comprehensive digital transformation plan.

Assessment Criteria:

  • Content Mastery: Demonstrates a thorough understanding of key concepts and principles.
  • Critical Thinking: Applies critical thinking skills to analyze situations, identify challenges, and develop solutions.
  • Problem-Solving: Utilizes problem-solving skills to propose and implement effective solutions.
  • Communication Skills: Effectively communicates ideas, findings, and recommendations in written and oral formats.
  • Innovation and Creativity: Demonstrates innovative thinking and proposes creative solutions to business challenges.
  • Collaboration: Collaborates effectively with peers and stakeholders in a team environment.


Teaching Methods:

  • Interactive online learning platform: Provides diverse learning resources, including video lectures, case studies, simulations, and interactive exercises.
  • Peer collaboration: Encourages active participation in online forums, group projects, and discussions to foster knowledge sharing and peer-to-peer learning.
  • Faculty guidance: Provides personalized support and mentorship from industry experts with real-world experience in digital transformation.
  • Self-paced learning: Allows learners to progress through the program at their own pace, ensuring a flexible learning experience.


  • Comprises experienced professionals with extensive industry experience and academic qualifications.
  • Leverage their real-world expertise to provide industry insights and practical applications of concepts.

Unique Approaches:

  • Global Focus: Provides a global perspective on digital transformation trends and challenges.
  • Industry-Relevant Curriculum: Aligns with current industry needs and trends, ensuring graduates are equipped with in-demand skills.
  • Focus on Practical Application: Emphasizes hands-on learning through projects, simulations, and case studies.
  • Career Support: Offers personalized career guidance and networking opportunities to help graduates launch successful careers in digital transformation.


Potential Career Paths:

  • Digital Transformation Consultant
  • Innovation Manager
  • Digital Strategy Director
  • Technology Project Manager
  • Data Scientist
  • Business Analyst
  • AI Specialist
  • Cybersecurity Analyst
  • E-commerce Manager

Career Opportunities:

  • Graduates are prepared for leadership roles in various industries, including technology, finance, healthcare, retail, and government.
  • They can expect to work in large corporations, start-ups, and consultancies, driving digital transformation initiatives.

Career Outcomes:

  • 95% of Nexford MSDT graduates report gaining valuable skills applicable to their workplaces.
  • The program equips graduates with the knowledge and expertise to command higher salaries and advance their careers.
  • Graduates gain access to exclusive career resources and networking opportunities to enhance their job prospects.


  • Nexford offers personalized career services and development opportunities to support learners throughout their professional journey.
  • The program places a strong emphasis on global networking opportunities, connecting learners with professionals from diverse backgrounds and industries.
  • Learners gain access to a vibrant online community of peers and alumni, fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing.
  • Nexford utilizes an adaptable and affordable subscription-based tuition model, making the program accessible to a wider audience.