Dr Frands Pedersen
Senior Lecturer in International Relations
Dr Frands Pedersen is Senior Lecturer and Course Leader for the Foundation Courses in Humanities, Law and Social Sciences and the Diplomacy and Global Politics MA. He has Master's degrees in Political Science (Aarhus, Denmark) and Diplomacy (Lancaster). He received his PhD for his thesis on Para-diplomacy, which is an ongoing research interest alongside Public Diplomacy and Digital, Data and AI Diplomacy. He convenes the Teaching Excellence Learning Community at Westminster and the Political Studies Association’s Nordic Politics Specialist Group. He is also co-founder of the Serious Games@Westminster group.
Dr Pedersen has led Diplomacy, International Relations and European Union related modules at the Universities of Surrey, Central Lancashire and Westminster since 1999. In 2016, he was awarded a National Teaching Fellowship in recognition of his contribution to innovation in learning and teaching. He is passionate about active and immersive learning and has conducted extensive research on simulations and games, run projects and created shared resources to facilitate active learning. Dr Pedersen's current research focuses on Nordic responses to the Covid19 crisis, aspects of digital diplomacy and city diplomacy, and pedagogical research on compassion in higher education.
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See full profile of Dr Frands Pedersen